The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by David McKie

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David McKie has 26 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2020 Annual Competition183.5  
July 2020CAESAREANHow one's delivered treatment of areas with acne?AREAS ACNE (anag)5231  2 
February 2020ATONEMENTGetting caught, what one mentally should prepare for?Hidden (indicator = getting caught) and lit?8211  3 
January 2020TWO-FACEDCat few do fancy, being cute one minute, vicious the next?*CAT FEW DO430.51  4 
2018 Annual Competition218  
Christmas Special 2018TURKEY (STONES) (Wrong Number)UK try renegotiating with Europe? It's the pits, ratings-wiseUK TRY E (anag) – turkey as in ratings flop; pits627.51  4 
November 2018HUMMINGBIRDNectar drinker's busy knocking back a wee dram?HUMMING + DRIB (rev, with ref to Scots usage)5284  1 
October 2018OPAL (Printer’s Devilry)American tourists shot in HarrodsAmerican tourists sh/op a l/ot in Harrods1531  2 
September 2018JOANNA LUMLEYActress Una, jolly mean when riled?*UNA JOLLY MEAN233.51 
July 2018VINDALOOVery popular spicy dish, regularly taken "to go"?V + IN + DAL + O + O and lit6250  2 
June 2018UNIONGrowth painful without British in Europe, say?(B)UNION8251  3 
March 2018SEAWATERBeginning of revolution saw English tea thrown into this?R SAW E TEA (anag) and semi lit – with ref to Boston Tea Party 17731611  5 
February 2018DRUNKENNESSRed Ken's cavorting with nuns? This would explain it!RED KENS NUNS (anag), and ref politician K.Livingstone (not I hasten to add known for such behaviour!)526.50  1 
January 2018ARGENTNice money to be had from "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"?French word for money, hidden in guitAR GENTly919.51  3 
2017 Annual Competition318  
November 2017FATHER-LASHERHealth fears spread about source of rotten fishHEALTH FEARS (anag – spread about) + R1651  2 
October 2017EQUIPOISEIssue with Europe ultimately – nothing is in harmony?O and IS in EQUIP + E; harmony def3382  2 
September 2017MAIDENGraduate study that bags one a first?MA and DEN about I; a first = definition523.53  5 
August 2017HALFPENNYCheap beer? Every so often pregnancy follows!HALF (pint) plus PENNY – adjectival meaning of little value242.50  1 
July 2017FIDDLERDo right, like Nero?FIDDLE + R10181  3 
March 2017TRUMPETERI proclaim US President not entirely safeTRUM(P) + PETER2443  2 
January 2017CASHMEREWoolly merchandise India's exported?Comp anag (MERCHANDISE less IND) & lit.9141  5 
2016 Annual Competition105.5  
Christmas Special 2016TWELVEMONTH / A thematic word of your choice (Right & Left)Clubs perhaps where no ordinary seamen would be seen when lot met very merry once a yearQUARTERDECK/TWELVEMONTH – WHEN LOT MET + V* with once referring to antiquated usage8142  3 
November 2016TURNOVERChange channels to see what could be served up on Bake Off?TURN OVER and definition (pastry)4320  3 
October 2016CHOCTAWDog's taking on angry cat? That's brave!CAT* in CHOW818.52  2 
July 2016BANJULELEIt requires a lot of pluck, all bunjee jumping!All bunjee (anag). Bunjee is in Chambers as alternative to the usual bungee. I suspect others will spot this one!4341  2 
May 2016DISMAYEDNew dad? Yes, I'm overwhelmed! (8)DAD YES IM*6246  4 
2015 Annual Competition105.5  
October 2015MONTGOLFIERBalloon first made by inventive foreign lotM + anag143.52  8 
April 2015CHOKEYWhere should drug smuggling – heroin, say – lead you?H (common description of heroin) in COKE + Y; surface provides definition917.51  1