The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Paul Coulter

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Paul Coulter has 25 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2021 Annual Competition322  
Christmas Special 2021A Christmas Boxed Set (Anagram)1. I'm a Jerk, but Listen 2. Rated Worst 3. Creep Brings Tunes1. Justin Timberlake 2. Rod Stewart 3. Bruce Springsteen439.52  2 
2020 Annual Competition331  
October 2020GLORIARevolutionary broadcast on Labour's goals starts mass movementGoals+Labour's+On+RIA (full rev.)10230  2 
September 2020SEVEN (Printer’s Devilry)Newt made a big splashNewS EVENt made a big splash10177  1 
2019 Annual Competition145.5  
September 2019ASTER (Printer’s Devilry)Tabloid covers diss ToryTabloid covers disaster story822.53  1 
April 2019SUCKER-PUNCHDoctor runs checkup – you get unexpected jabRUNS CHECKUP anag.1460  1 
2018 Annual Competition330.5  
August 2018FAIRY / POINT (Right & Left)A puckish type, student goes out rather often – primarily into drink, full stopFAIRlY/P(Often)INT9181  2 
2017 Annual Competition144.5  
Christmas Special 2017ARCHER (Printer’s Devilry)Protest Ms. May's top initiative!Protest marchers may stop initiative2460  4 
August 2017HALFPENNYHenry and Alf have a little girl, a tiny thingH+ALF+PENNY (short for Penelope)8212  1 
2016 Annual Competition300.5  
June 2016TECHNOJUNKIEAddict who craves more and more speed?Cryptic def.915.50  6 
2015 Annual Competition252  
Christmas Special 2015A “FIVE GOLD RINGS” wordTravelling south to have a very merry holidaySH(A+V)UOT south* Shavuot is traditionally marked by merriment.8203  3 
September 2015SOUNDERTear around – nothing's healthierS(O)UNDER10200  3 
July 2015POUNCEThere's no end of money at church vaultPOUNd+CE7291  1 
February 2015RED-HOTSpoil the rod? That's quite extreme!(the rod)*7170 
2014 Annual Competition430.5  
October 2014CLOSEThe end is nighDouble Definition10192  3 
2013 Annual Competition222.5  
June 2013FLESH POTTrain dogs to hunt and trap a covey of game birdsFLESH+POT (Chambers – a wicker trap for lobsters, etc.)5210  7 
February 2013SPIDERMANTurn over… dream about masked avengerSPI(DERMA)N dream*10241  3 
January 2013PIPSQUEAKMidget quips rudely during climaxP(IPSQU)EAK [apologies to Cyclops]5271  3 
2012 Annual Competition164  
November 2012DICKEYA front that men put on habitually?Cryptic def. for article of clothing817.51  5 
May 2012ROSBIFSlur for British is ———(FOR B IS)* & lit.343.54  2 
March 2012A “GMT” word (Letters Latent)Game tarts could be sorest (9)gRUm+PIESt [Apologies to Cyclops]924.50  2 
2011 Annual Competition301  
Christmas Special 2011PARTRIDGE in a PEAR TREE (2 defs. + letter mixture)How celebs lose hanger-onOWL, BEECH; BOW, LEECH7190 
September 2011CLANDESTINEPrivate premiere cancelled for most insipid film aroundC(bLANDEST)INE820.51  3 
2010 Annual Competition106  
November 2010PASTEBOARDTicket reserved? Step aboard(step aboard)*5210  2 
October 2010CAPTUREPut suspect in custodyCA(PTU)RE (put* & lit.)172.50  6 
2009 Annual Competition390.5  
May 2009POWERHOUSEGenerator of electricity and hot waterPOWER+H+OUSE824.50  1