The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Christmas Special 2011 competition results

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33 clues entered. 30 votes cast (27 competitors, 3 others).

PARTRIDGE in a PEAR TREE (2 defs. + letter mixture)

PosNo.NameClueExplanationPoints Merits 
11Roslyn RougvieA Greek obelisk is a giant pointed projectionGrebe/oak ogre/beak. Letter mixture – A GREEK OBelisk. Defs: a giant, pointed projection39.50 
223Dave ParfittMonster bill left me mega broke!GREBE in OAK = OGRE/BEAK; (left me m)EGA BROKE38.50  2  
320John McCabeLegs get weaker, causing new pains.Defs: legs=pins, get weaker=wane; letter mixture=NEW PAINS; bird=swan, tree=pine370  1  
411John TozerFiend broke a gent's noseoak/grebe; ogre (fiend) beak (nose); BROKE A GEnt's271  1  
533ShyamUse red ink to pen letterPIN{K NOT}E; PINK: red; NOTE: letter, (INK TO PEN)*210  1  
627Kathy MartinPathetic urge to go after cheap fuel.Bird: tit (small songbird, Concise Oxford); Tree: peach: peat/itch (peat – cheap fuel, itch – urge) Mixture: Pathetic19.50  2  
710Barry SolomonsFearsome brute in a rage broke nose.oak/grebe..o(grebe)ak…ogre (f.brute) beak (nose)..r/age broke190  1  
716Paul CoulterHow celebs lose hanger-onOWL, BEECH; BOW, LEECH190 
94John AppletonBold rebellion against whip, perhaps, from a nervy backbencherRAVEN in BAY = BRAVE/NAY; Defs = "Bold" and "rebellion against whip, perhaps"; mixture = (A NERVY BA)ckbencher.17.50  1  
1026Eryl BassettPassé Doctor Who celebrity is employed by The ArchersOWL in BEECH gives BOW (employed by archers) + LEECH (archaic or passé doctor). Mixture = WHO CELEBrity170 
1117 I scrambled egg and lemonGLEDE in MANGO = MANGLED EGO; I = EGO, scrambled = MANGLED; *EGGANDLEMO16.51  1  
1213 Giant bill – a Greek bother?GREBE in OAK, OGRE BEAK, A GREEK BOther14.51  1  
135 Concur with nonsense; go sheer bananas!Defs SHAG/BOREE = BOSH/AGREE: letter mixture = GO SHEER BAnanas13.50 
1432 Thin metal spears reduce new pains.Thin metal spears = PINS; reduce = WANE; new pains = *PINSWANE* (SWAN in PINE)130 
1514 Giant old prow of Greek boattree = OAK; bird = GREBE: OAK/GREBE – OGRE/BEAK; defs: OGRE = "giant"; BEAK = "old prow" (beak is an old word for the prow of a ship); letter mixture = GREEK BOAt120 
163 Bill, a Greek boy, and a mythical monsterGREBE in OAK to give OGRE/BEAK. Letter mixture is in AGREEKBOy11.50 
1729 Revolutionary flag reveals bare legs!Combination: SAL/GREBE – SAG/REBEL. Defs: "revolutionary" and "flag". Letter mixture: BARE LEGS.80 
189 Expression of disgust crosses face of one hearing a gue I'm fiddling withEMU in a FIG tree : FIE/MUG7.50  1  
1915 Greens' alert? Back Gore perhapsTERN in SAL (tree); STERNAL; back = stern, Al = Gore61  1  
1918 Lack heart to take time off from working, chief?KEA/LARCH : LAKE/ARCH : LACKHEAR(-t)* : lake – see Chambers (4)60 
1931 That dude is allowed to give our boy Koranic lessons?BAY/ROOK; BRO/OKAY; [BOY KORA]nic; dude = bro; allowed = okay60 
222 Bar excess? Drive foolishly!FID/OVER: DOVE in FIR, over,n.; ref. Don't drink and drive!5.51 
2328 Retired physician to bend body below chestLetter mixture: [BELOWCHE]st Defs: "to bend body" "retired physician" BOW / LEECH … OWL in BEECH50 
2412 Forlorn dragon eager to unsettle heart, perhaps?gander/orange – organ/derange. defs: heart, perhaps/to unsettle. forlorN DRAGON EAGER4.50 
256 Course a captive lion wept!OWL/PINE; POW(a captive) LINE(course); LIONWEPt30  1  
2519 Legendary fraulein, rescued from obscurity by the zeal German brothers had.egret / hazel – haze / Gretel: haze = obscurity: Gretel = legendary fraulein: THE ZEAL GERman: ref the Brothers Grimm who republished the story of Hansel and Gretel30  2  
2521 Low krill waste is aim for Irish port?LARK/WILLOW = WILL/ARKLOW [anag. LOWKRILLWA; defs. aim for = will(verb), Irish port = Arklow]30 
2524 Noel's band and Ray Davies rendezvous at Ian's kioskNoel's band = Oasis, Ray Davies = Kink, OA sis kin K – oak and siskin30 
297 Customise law to make openings in Scotland flexibleM/OUS EL/ASTIC. "Mou" is Scots for mouth & "Mastic" the tree from which mastic comes – see Chambers.2.50  1  
2925 Northern play… accomplished in chalk-area.LAKE/ARCH (KEA in LARCH): LAKE (vb to play; N England) CHALK AREa2.50 
3122 Miserly père earns a noblePE(ER/NE)AR20 
328 Dive for sailor's tool under counterDOVE/FIR FID/OVER DIVEFOR* 'sailor's tool' 'under counter(opposite)' (counter = overhang of ship's stern)00 
3230 Slow Rasta dub by Indian clerksBUSTARD/BAY — BABUS/TARDY — (RASTA DUB BY)*00