The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Rod Beards

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Rod Beards has 14 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2022 Annual Competition195  
June 2022WOODWARDProtector of elders, perhaps, in court battle surrounded by daughtersProtector of elders, perhaps = definition; WOO WAR surrounded by D + D165.51  2 
2020 Annual Competition331  
June 2020THE YOUNG ONESTeen song youth played, top of the popsAnagram TEEN SONG YOUTH, minus T: top of the = T, pops = goes suddenly. &lit – song went to number one for Cliff628.53  4 
January 2020TWO-FACEDInitially Trump wrote about one Democrat: “Duplicitous!”T(rump) W(rote) OF ACE D; definition- duplicitous822.51  2 
2019 Annual Competition194  
October 2019GULESRedness in arms and legs treated with hint of unguentRedness in arms – definition (arms = coat of arms is in Chambers); anagram LEGS + U236.51  3 
2018 Annual Competition251  
November 2018HUMMINGBIRDAround 2001, suspended prison sentence for flyerAround MMI, HUNG BIRD626.51  1 
January 2018ARGENTFed seizes last of poor poet's silverAGENT seizes R10180  2 
2017 Annual Competition222  
Christmas Special 2017ARCHER (Printer’s Devilry)Boot from non-smoking establishmentBar cheroot from non-smoking establishment920.51  4 
August 2017HALFPENNYIn bird city, flap about a little bit (9)Anagram of FLAP in HEN NY1019.53 
April 2017CORVUSParty leader's half against American naval weaponCOR(byn) Versus US8151  4 
February 2017FURPHYInitially feeding us rumour, presidential hysteria yields fake news (6)Initial letters of Feeding Us Rumour Presidential Hysteria Yields7214  1 
2015 Annual Competition301  
March 2015DREAMBOATArranged date with Rambo – he's a hunkAnagram (DATE + RAMBO); "he's a hunk" = definition529.53  3 
2014 Annual Competition115.5  
Christmas Special 2014MOUSETRAP / HERMITAGE (Right & Left)Female sorcerer bottling sex appeal in secluded location prepared Tom a super lure for Jerry?HER MAGE bottling IT; secluded location = defn HERMITAGE / prepared = anagrind, TOM A SUPER anag; lure for Jerry = defn of MOUSETRAP (ref Tom and Jerry)5211  2 
World Cup Special 2014Any 8-letter “PEN” word (Penalty Shoot-out)Was sorry Rooney's header messed it upWas sorry = defn of REPENTED; R (Rooney's header) + anagram of MESSED IT = REMISSTED; up = excited is anagram indicator230.51  4 
April 2014MESMERISE (Letters Latent)Mr and Miss entangled in intrigueE Latent, anagram of (MR+MISS), intrigue = defn8180  4