The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Mike Baker

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Mike Baker has 37 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2014 Annual Competition312.5  
September 2014TASER (Printer’s Devilry)Pressed vicar's lemons, tart ahead of schedulePressed vicars let a sermon start ahead of schedule724.50  3 
January 2014HOLMESIANMaiden in predicament needs ace to crack crime – in this manner?M in HOLE + A in SIN437.51  2 
2013 Annual Competition125  
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2013CROSSWORD / CENTENARY (Rhyming Couplet)100th year of grids to enter, can you solve the clues?
This puzzle's century complete, send out the good news!
Centenary: ENTER CAN Y(ou); Crossword: C + (g)ROSS + WORD (century=c, complete=gross, news=word)150.52  3 
October 2013DOLMADESAfter heading to dentist, some lad sadly leaves with fillingsD + anagram of SOME LAD1784  5 
September 2013LION-HEARTAnother term for dare-devil, I fancyAnag. ANOTHER L I; & Lit.5351  9 
August 2013CRUMBSMy cheerleader uniform bulges at the sidesDef = My (expression of surprise); outside letters156.52  6 
July 2013PEAR (Printer’s Devilry)To be at the Masses, at them all, is holyTo beat the masses at the mall I shop early5321  5 
June 2013FLESH POTPlace to find erotic entertainment? Top shelf, potentiallyAnag.8201  2 
April 2013NEBULARCraft unable to find pier without confusion; it's mistyAnag. UNABLE + (pie)R; pie2 = confusion628.54  5 
March 2013EASTER (Misprints)Breasts are jiggling; bra's sadly lacking controlMaster (verb) = control; Anag. minus anag.1690  6 
February 2013SPIDERMANI'm a nerd transformed after getting special power (6-3)IM A NERD anag. after S P; & Lit. (Peter Parker was a science-whizz)447.50  4 
2012 Annual Competition128.5  
November 2012DICKEY——— heart could cause tragic death? Crikey!Comp. anag. & lit. dickey heart; death crikey2461  4 
October 2012POSTICHEIt could create awful itches on heads of players on-stageitches* on PO, & lit.924.50  4 
September 2012GUESTIMATEStruggling at sum? I get close to valueAnagram of (AT SUM I GET) + E, & Lit.536.50 
Olympic/Paralympic Challenge 2012DIALOGUE, MONSTER, SCHOOL (DLM)Talk about doing us proud; agile Paralympic sportsmen with colossal abilities could be finishing, perhaps, with cool shiny medalsTalk, proud agile; colossal, sportsmen; could be finishing, perhaps, cool shiny252.51  3 
July 2012JUSQU'AUBOUTISTEA bouquet is just thrown to embody the start of union – I'll be committed to the end!Anag. A BOUQUET IS JUST containing U350.50  2 
June 2012ORATES (Printer’s Devilry)After setting the tent it was clear his pitch was high enoughAfter setting the tenor a test it was clear his pitch was high enough1632  5 
May 2012ROSBIFFrogs' term for British, I suspectS FOR B I anag. & lit.9252  3 
April 2012LIVELONGEnduring bad back acheEVIL (rev) + LONG154.53  2 
March 2012A “GMT” word (Letters Latent)A ring – expression of love from a boyfriend? (7)Grommet; ROMEO – O156.51  4 
January 2012PERCHThis fish's not usually ordered fresh with chipsComp anag. & lit. (perch fish's)* = (fresh chips)6240  1 
2011 Annual Competition123  
October 2011MOCKTAIL (New Chambers Word)Rally track preparation appropriate for the TTMOCK + TAIL; rally = to tease, track = to tail, TT= Isle of Man races /teetotaller2361  2 
September 2011CLANDESTINECandles confused with part of fork under the counter?CANDLES* + TINE; ref The Two Ronnies 'Four Candles' sketch1782  7 
August 2011SHAPE / TIGER (Right & Left)Disturbing this shark may present great risk, and lead to high profile accident in remote parts of seasideComp. anag, (TIGER SHARK)* = (GREAT RISK +H); accident = HAP in S(easid)E5220  5 
July 2011TRUNCHEONFlailing a ———, one can hurt crookComp. anag & lit; a truncheon* = one can hurt*6301  3 
June 2011FAULTUnacceptable service leads to Fawlty Towers' Manuel regularly getting pounded.FT containing mAnUeL; def = unacceptable service (tennis)335.51 
April 2011Anagram of 38 letters (Anagram)Coy, radiant bride taken down aisle will gleam833.51  2 
February 2011SHERLOCKHe probes unusual cases of sinister criminal outbreakHE in *(SR CL OK) &lit2414  3 
January 2011DUVET DAYArrange this with head of employment to evade duty, possiblyComp. anag. & lit; (duvetday + e)* = (evade duty)*153.50  9 
2010 Annual Competition812  
Christmas Special 2010NATIVITY (Letters Latent)Tiny Tim – very poorly and without money in classic Christmas sceneA latent; anag. TINY TI(m) +V1460  5 
November 2010PASTEBOARDPizza topping he dropped in a broadsheet somehow gets paper stuck firmly togetherP + A BROADSHEET* – HE1012.50  3 
September 2010STEAR (Printer’s Devilry)Skilled tooth-work could see a dent in good moneySkilled tooth-work could see a dentist earn good money4290  6 
June 2010Any “Double” Word (6 or more letters) (A Game of Two Halves)English team spurned by supporters: 'They're bollocks!'Testes; team; TEES – E3360  6 
May 2010VOLCANIC ASHESThe access on air travel might be restored as these retreatComp. anag, & lit. (the access on air travel = volcanic ashes retreat*)6270  3 
April 2010GRAVEViagra – very entertaining capsule for a stiff one?Hidden; def = 'capsule for a stiff one'9260  2 
March 2010MONEY (CLASS) (Wrong Number)With this, Columbia could get economy in orderComp. anag. including CO, & Lit; order7200  2 
2009 Annual Competition253  
Christmas Special 2009CRIMBO (Misprints)Half of microbrewery dismantled when shocking contents get youngsters merryMisprint = stocking; Anag. of MICROB(rewery)339.50  4