The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 52: Viagra – very entertaining capsule for a stiff one?

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A clue to GRAVE.
2 comments refer to this clue (from 2 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
A very good set of clues, I thought, with a nice diversity of approach. 5 points for clue 28, one of the simpler efforts here but all the better for that and with a faultless surface. Clue 57, to which I gave 4 points, is at the other end of the scale in complexity – very ingenious. I gave 3 points to clue 36 for a neat topical reference. 2 points for clue 40, a very neat substitution of G for C with, again, a faultless surface. I didn't find any of the Viagra clues completely convincing but thought clue 52 was the best of these and awarded it 1 point.
Most of my points went to three clues with the amusing Viagra theme, but for me they were all slightly flawed in some way so I awarded 3 points each. As a hidden indicator I have always regarded 'some' as a bit weak and ungrammatical. I know it's regularly used, but surely 'some of' is more correct? I would gave given34 top marks had it been expressed " A dose from Viagra vendor the last resort for a stiff 'un?". In 52, I'm unconvinced by 'capsule' ( a small container) as a definition, and 55 would have been improved if 'holds' had been used instead of 'has'.