The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Roslyn Rougvie

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Roslyn Rougvie has 12 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2020 Annual Competition252.5  
June 2020THE YOUNG ONESNo toy guns here – skipping ropes primarily diverting children(notoyguns)* – r ; anagrind = diverting; def = children725.52  2 
May 2020ELDERSRestyled short dress with belt in the middle – for grannies?dres plus el anagrammed9233  1 
April 2020OPENAvailable work spaceDef = available; work = op; en = space as in printing9233  3 
January 2020TWO-FACEDLike Zaphod's cow – fated to be cookedDef. like Zaphod is: cowfated*527.51  5 
2015 Annual Competition144.5  
November 2015LOCK STOCK AND BARRELAll Blacks record on Talk Sportblacksrecordontalk* Ref. UK radio Talksport2310  6 
October 2015MONTGOLFIERMy French flier got highMy French = mon + fliergot*; &lit627.52  4 
2014 Annual Competition332  
May 2014BINGLENewspaper boss left bleeding horribly in Aussie pile-up.ble(ed)ing*427.53  1 
2013 Annual Competition173.5  
November 2013PROLIXLong-winded role cut in picturespix around rol(e)921.53  3 
April 2013NEBULARAbandoned lunar base as forgotten as the distant starsAnag. of lunar base minus as; def =as the distant stars3372  4 
2012 Annual Competition301.5  
October 2012POSTICHEFresh hot pies with a bit of custard over the top.Anag. hot pies + c; def. over the top924.51  7 
January 2012PERCHFish supper – chips essentialHidden word525.53  3 
2011 Annual Competition165  
Christmas Special 2011PARTRIDGE in a PEAR TREE (2 defs. + letter mixture)A Greek obelisk is a giant pointed projectionGrebe/oak ogre/beak. Letter mixture – A GREEK OBelisk. Defs: a giant, pointed projection139.50