The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by S.Sreeni

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S.Sreeni has 12 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2023 Annual Competition242  
September 2023MUNGOPoor young men longing to get free, cheap cloth from millAnagram (poor) of {YOUNGMEN – YEN(longing)}* (to get free is the deletion ind ). Def: cheap cloth from mill6192  3 
May 2023MACGUFFINMaster Clouseau’s first folly in the Pink Panther, perhaps ? (9)MA (master) + C + GUFF (nonsense, folly – Chambers)+ IN. Definition: The Pink Panther, perhaps. The Pink Panther (diamond) in the movie is a Macguffin1019.51 
January 2023METROPOLISCity in Middle East erected storage for food and wine (10)#down clue. ME(Middle East ref Chambers) + {SILO(storage for food)+PORT(wine)}<<<(erected is reversal ind.) ME TROPOLIS<<. Def: City526.50  1 
2022 Annual Competition341  
June 2022WOODWARDRanger died in court precinct (8)D (died) in WOO (court) WARD (precinct). Def: Ranger (forest guard)626.53 
April 2022REMOTE CONTROLWireless operator turned on electric motor after removing chip (6,7)Anagram (turned) of (ONELECTRICMOTOR-IC)* (chip for integrated circuit . Ref Chambers).. Def: Wireless Operator923.52  1 
2021 Annual Competition165.5  
October 2021YO-YOSynonym of “evenly fluctuate” (2-2)Even letters (evenly) in s(Y)n(O)n(Y)m(O)f. Definition: Fluctuate (v). Whole clue could be an extended definition too150.54  5 
August 2021BIBLIOMANIAObsession with titles ? (11)Cryptic definition. Titles = books (Collins)921.50  2 
2020 Annual Competition390.5  
July 2020CAESAREAN“New Arrivals” section (9)Cryptic Definition for. delivery by Caesarean section .818.52  1 
2019 Annual Competition117  
Christmas Special 2019Christmas Cocktails (Right & Left)Bubbly cocktail of peach with cut mango, mint and essence of matured rum liqueur (9)(9)Left is CHAMPAGNE. Def: Bubbly. Anag (PEACH+MANG(-o) with “cocktail of” as anag. ind. Right is COINTREAU. Def: Liqueur COIN (mint – verb as in coin a phrase)+ anag of -m(ATURE)-d with Rum as Anag.ind.1330  2 
November 2019GENTLEMANRefined, trim and elegant male (9)Anag. (a(N)d+ELEGANT+M)*. &lit . Trim (v) removes either end of “and”8172  3 
October 2019GULESRed giants – unusually luminous, ebbing stars , primarily (5)Def: Red Initial letters (basically) of Giants…stars5250  1 
July 2019NEVER SAY DIEExcruciating day in Everest with no end in sight ? Don’t give up ! (5,3,3)Def: Don’t give up (DAYINEVERES(-t))*. No end in sight to remove T from EVEREST6231  2