The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April 2018 competition results

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46 clues entered. 42 votes cast (37 competitors, 5 others).


PosNo.NameClueExplanationPoints Merits 
123John AppletonIs it a role-playing game?(IS IT A ROLE)*47.52 
242Sowmya RamkumarVery drunk atmosphere before European gameSO LIT AIR E Game – Def450  1  
315Toby RobertsonDiamond ring I lost jogging by riverILOST* + AIRE (a major UK river)371  1  
413Tom BorlandDiamond flogged to Israeli*to Israeli36.51  1  
53John HoodAmerican card game's confusing to IsraeliTO ISRAELI *34.52 
620Vinit WankhedeFree love? Is it real or just a game one plays? (9)(O+ISITREAL)* Free = *ind, love = O, OISITREAL = fodder, just a game one plays = definition. Solitaire is played by a single person. Ref. Free Love belief or practice. Definition from Chambers : free love (noun) the practice of having sexual relations with people regardless of marriage or fidelity to a single partner.  302  2  
731Martin PricePatience, for Trump, is a lot undone by anger.Def (patience [card game] = solitaire in USA)/is a lot (anag) + ire = anger.26.53 
89Colin ThomasCast a role – is it something played alone?Anag. AROLEISIT211 
844Luciano WardVery fancy retail stores start to introduce singular gemstonevery = SO; fancy retail = LITARE; start to introduce = I; LITARE stores I = LITAIRE; def = singular gemstone212 
1038John TozerSingle father embraces young temptress, losing head(L)olita in sire; single, noun20.53  1  
1118 Extremely drunk, starts to argue incessantly over card game (9)Extremely = SO, drunk = LIT, starts to argue incessantly = A I, over = RE, def = card game19.53 
1217 Emphatically incandescent with rage, holding a bird that's "ceased to be"?A in SO LIT IRE; def extinct bird, with vague allusion to Monty Python Dead Parrot sketch180  1  
1329 One in a cloister wandering about apart?I in anag. less c & lit.160  1  
142 A hermit's game, for one.DD15.52 
1410 Change ails Tories, who haven't succeeded… Patience required(AILS TORIEs)*15.51  1  
1626 It's a role I adapted for Patience (9)It's a role I = anagram fodder, adapted = anagrind, for= definition indicator , Patience= definition (American version of solitaire).152 
1732 Patience – it is precious (9)Double defintion. Patience -alternate name for Solitaire the card game. Solitaire as in diamond the other defintion14.50  1  
1834 Play this game alone? It's brilliant!Double meaning. SOLITAIRE is the game that is played alone. Brilliant is synonym of SOLITAIRE or a diamond of brilliant cut.140  1  
1925 It is a role to be played with patience on BroadwayAnagram of ITISAROLE. Anagram indicator TO BE PLAYED WITH. Definiton: patience is called solitaire in USA.132 
206 Bad loser adopts computing with artificial intelligence in gameAnagram LOSER adopts IT with AI12.53 
2035 Rationalised less and shuffled cards alone(RATIONALISED-AND)*, def=cards alone12.52 
2211 Concealing ball tampering, liar tries to get rid of sandpaper finally at a gameLIARTRIES* minus R around O (ball), Tampering= anag ind, Defn= a game; Topical ref: Aussie cricketer's ball tampering episode.10.52  1  
234 American patience wears thin unfortunately, when missing Eastern oil supplyChambers 2nd def.; anagram, supply2, of [(WEARSTHIN* minus when) plus E/OIL]8.52  2  
2346 With one loser, it's a gameAnagram of I(one)+LOSER+IT+A. AI=GAME(ie lame/injured). &lit8.51  2  
2533 Patience required to somehow isolate half of Iran (9)7.51 
261 A diamond set by itself baffles mineralogist: Cut no good; top mediocre.Def + anag(baffles) mineralogist -ngm71  2  
2637 Sickly sailor it appears, reaching mid-ocean pegs out on board?sailor it (anag)..mid-oc(E)an70  1  
285 Awful upfront assault on innocent lives tries America's patienceAnagram of leading letters (AOIL) + tries63 
2916 Emerald Isle to air disarray?(Isle to air)* def. by example 'Emerald' (gem set by itself, here in the sea), Brexit will cause many problems for Ireland.51 
3043 Very drunk with a passion for a card game (9)Definition: card game; Wordplay: SO (very) + LIT (drunk) + A (a) + IRE (passion)42  1  
3145 West Indian singer in exclusive screening of sex showWest Indian singer – Definition (from Chambers: West Indian thrush), exclusive – SOLE, sex – IT show – AIR, screening of – c/c ind3.50 
327 Bird's game, and either heads or tails bats.* ei + or + tails = solitaire, def: Bird's game = solitaire: 1) a kind of bird, 2) a game ( ref: Harold "Dickie" Bird, cricket umpire).30 
3221 Guillotined Voltaire's first flawed diamond. (9)(Headless Voltaire's + I) anagram = Diamond.31  1  
3227 'Lone Wolf' is one role it plays*IS+A(one)+ROLE+IT; lone wolf=recluse31 
3524 Isolated Irish, lacking Davis's lead, lost patience.Definition = 'patience'. 'lost' is anagram indicator (see Bradford's Crossword Solver's Dictionary) for 'Isolated Irish lacking David's lead' = ISOLATE IR.21  1  
3539 Single player game ratios lie in tattersAnagram of 'ratios lie'; definition = single player game; surface alludes to the fact that multi-player computer games have become much more popular in recent years.22 
3714 Diamond geezer's last partner and I have a dance after getting very drunk (9)((geeze)R E [bridge partner] I A)* after SO LIT ; def: diamond; R, E and I *have* A, not "has".1.51  1  
388 Bondswoman's triumphant seeing off the pack in singular gameDouble def – ref Jane Seymour in Live & Let Die0.50  1  
3812 Confuse sailor and tie the only game in townSAILOR + TIE; song lyric0.50  1  
4019 For one player: short solo, followed by a near riot, oddly and confusedly.00 
4022 In due course settled to openly wear the French flashy silk necktieSO LIT AIR LE00  1  
4028 Maniac: it is a role that shows patience.Maniac (adjective: anagram indicator). Definition=PATIENCE01 
4030 Parted Gemini setting a brilliant example here?GEM-IN-I(independent) setting; plus def by example. Mythologically relevant surface01 
4036 Sexual allure and atmosphere in unique, solo rock(IT + AIR) in SOLE03  1  
4040 Startled, I arose carrying French bed with a monk! (9)direct=a monk. "I arose" = anagram of "soaire", startled=indicator; lit = French bed; carrying=container indicator00 
4041 Tie sailor sported? That’s often given the finger!(TIE SAILOR)* ; (sported = *) ; given the finger = ref. this type of ring’s role (elliptical usage for solitaire ring) in engagement and ref. to derisory gesture.01