The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Dhirendra Tripathi

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Dhirendra Tripathi has 9 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2021 Annual Competition361  
June 2021NELSON / PRINCE (Right & Left)Hold different lens on royal's nice PR spinningNelson – Hold different lens on (lens as something that facilitates and influences perception, Merriam-Webster) – Definition: hold. Wordplay: [lens]* indicated by different + on. Prince – royal's nice PR spinning – Definition: royal. Wordplay: [nice PR]* indicated by spinning.629.53  4 
May 2021TOERAGGreat novel about love for beast (6)[GREAT]* (novel) about O (love). Direct: beast.831.54 
2019 Annual Competition107.5  
November 2019GENTLEMANMr. Nice Guy?Direct: Mr. (as Mister) – slightly cryptic definition indicated by the "?". Indirect: GENTLE (Nice, as in pleasant) MAN (Guy, informal meaning).719.50  2 
October 2019GULESRed government reigns after banishing royal (5)Direct: Red. Indirect: G [government] + (R)ULES [reigns] after removing [banishing] R [royal]1401  3 
May 2019MERCURYGod's blessing protects ancient city (7)MERCY (blessing) around (protects) UR (ancient city). Definition: God (in Roman religion and mythology).424.51  3 
2018 Annual Competition212.5  
March 2018SEAWATERWhat oceans are filled with is debris, ultimately we are at fault (8)Definition: what oceans are filled with wordplay: (-debri) S (debris ultimately) + (WE ARE AT)* anagram indicator, fault724.53  2 
January 2018ARGENTCurious stranger discovered silver (6)Definition: silver (as an adjective) Wordplay: [(-s)TRANGE(-r)]* (which is stranger "dis-covered"); anagram indicator curious4322  3 
2017 Annual Competition350.5  
March 2017TRUMPETERBraggart president to tee off with Rory initially (9)Definition: braggart Wordplay: TRUMP (president) + ETE (tee off) + R (Rory initially) Reference: A widely reported round of golf…824.51 
2016 Annual Competition300.5  
June 2016TECHNOJUNKIEThe nun joke I cracked, initially tickled the gadget freak (12)Definition: gadget freak Wordplay: [the nun joke i + c (cracked initially)]* anagram indicator tickled. Comment: nun joke is used conversationally here and means a joke about nun(s) which I hope is acceptable wording for this competition.915.50  1