The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC April 2009 competition results

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49 clues entered. 42 votes cast (37 competitors, 5 others).

MOONSHINE (Letters Latent)

Runaway winner this month – well done Don! Much closer for the minor placings with Margaret just pipping Arnold and JT with Peter grabbing 5th spot. Thanks to everyone – a very entertaining competition!

146Don ManleyTripe? Cook me with onionsH, anag.88.5  6  
217Margaret IrvineIn NHS, ME's treated as a figment of imaginationO (in nhs me)*47  5  
336Arnold PeacePants reveal bottom part of legE: Pants = def i.e. nonsense. reveal bottom = MOON + part of leg = shin45.5  3  
434John TozerOrder from Al Capone? No one messes with him!S; anag.; Capone supplied illegal liquor42  2  
55Peter CargillBottom displays in middle of 'Dream' what's asinineH latent; MOONS+IN+E; moons=shows off bottom; 'Dream'=A Midsummer Night's Dream; ref to Bottom with ass's head; asinine=nonsensical34  3  
620John HoodIt's still produced illegally – and could be in me soon!(LL=H) anagram of "IN ME SOON" = MOONSINE / def moonshine, illicit spirit produced in a still26.5  3  
726Keith WilliamsLow is high – nonsense!MOO + S + HIE (N = LL): Moonshine = nonsense(inf)23.5  2  
816R.E.BootHooch essentially is home-brewedLetters Latent N ; Anag( o + is home ) & lit22.5  2  
923Vinod RamanLiquor smuggled in shoe, no rum!Def: Liquor smuggled, LL: M, OONSHINE=inshoeno*, rum being the anagram indicator22 
107Jenny MackenzieDodgy liquor he brewed with onionsM latent. anag. he + onions21.5  2  
113 Black Jim Beam? No one messed with himS latent. NOONEHIM* Black = illicit. Jim Beam: a leading brand of bourbon.18.5  1  
118 Elks gathering, greeting the mountain dewHI in MOOSE; LATENT LETTER = N; mountain dew = def.18.5 
1314 He is affected by low spirits when bannedMOOSHIE: *HE IS by MOO=low; def. 'spirits when banned'16  1  
1415 Home in on fermented smuggled spiritsS is the latent letter. Home in on* (anagram indicator = fermented)15.5  1  
1529 Many odd characters with Polish spirit.Latent letter O: mnshine – mn odd letters of many, polish – shine. spirit – def. of moonshine13 
161 After maiden over, Onions has opener of Essex going off for bad lightM + anagram ref Graham Onions just selected for England – h latent12  2  
1711 Faulty NHS spectacles in England can make you go blindM = latent letter; Anagram of NHS,OO (spectacles=OO) + IN + E; Drinking moonshine can make you go blind11  2  
1832 No homespun cocktail makes up this drink(NOHOMESPUN)* = UP + MOONSH(I)NE9.5  1  
1912 Following cow's call, new calf presses closes to this bullMOONSHIN: (MOO + N) + SHIN (calf presses close to this)8 
209 Expose bottom part of leg for reality show? Quite the oppositeLatent E. MOON + SHIN. Chambers defn says "Show without reality"7.5  2  
2137 Produced by N. Ohio men with licence? Nonsense!'S' latent. Anagram of N OHIO MEN (indicated by 'with licence'). Definition is 'Nonsense!'. Whole clue also reads as a cryptic definition.7  1  
2147 Unreal display Emin assembled outside soon to be replacedAnag of EMIN outside anag of SOON – MOONSINE (latent H). Def = unreal display7  1  
2342 Spooner's shortly to explode with stuff and nonsense(s)oon (m)ine – h latent6  1  
246 Cobblers work on last to refashion heel on Gucci shoeOONSHINE; anag. of ON (refashio)N (Gucc)I SHOE5.5  2  
2422 Light heavens throw out, low at first in EastH: HEAVENS – HEAVE/throw, MOO/low at first, IN E5.5  1  
2610 Expose rear end and part of leg, could this be "flashing" at night?Expose rear end = moon, part of leg = shin. Flashing = sparkling at night = Moonshine. Flashing also alludes to the "mooning" in the first half of the clue.5 
2613 Hacks land here after more illegal drinkMo + "on shin" Hack = kick on shin5  1  
2619 Is it still produced in Soho, Nebraska?M is latent. 'Is it still produced' is the definition, with 'produced' doing double duty as the anagind of 'in Soho', followed by 'Ne', the two letter abbreviation for Nebraska.5  3  
2628 Mansion House brewed without a permitting order initially?Latent Letter – E Reference – Mansion House,Scotch Whiskey. ( Substitution – House = H Explanation – Anagram of MNSION H containing O, &lit.5 
2639 Secretary having lost a bit of esteem gets close to Brown…and still makes it.LL is I: Secretary = moonshee (Chambers); remove E(steem) add (Brow)N. defn: 'still (apparatus) makes it.5  3  
3118 In this gnomon's no good, ie inaccurate, and lit!H latent. (g)NOMONSIE*. gnomon = pin of sundial. &lit!4  3  
3121 Kidding me? Onions with corn mash?Removed letter: H Direct = corn mash Moonsine = me onions (kidding = anagram indicator)4  1  
3138 Rubbish batting (two ducks) and he's fumbled catch(M)oonshine: "in" caught by 0+0+'n'+anag. "he's"4 
3140 Show (buttocks) without realityMissing letter H. moon + sine, &lit4  1  
3144 The cow says to the horse: "Go left" – that's surely of all sense bereft!Grid entry is MOOSHIE (N is the latent letter) MOOS (what a cow says) + HIE (instruction to a horse to turn left); definition is nonsense (i.e. of all sense bereft), which is one possible meaning for MOONSHINE per Chambers.4 
362 At the end of the day, illumination reveals the bottom line: a pound short!Latent letter H. Definition + MOONS + LINE – L.3  2  
364 Bootleg Money? Without yen, no return of function.Money – yen = MO. return no = ON. Function = SINE. Latent letter = H.3 
3643 Still output greeting to surrounding deer.HI in MOOSE. N is latent. Definition : STILL OUTPUT3 
3924 Low from stocks and shares initially is accompanied by high for black market produceN latent; moo s(hares) hie2; stock = group of cattle, etc; ref. effect on crime of financial crisis2  2  
3930 Men in Soho busted making illicit brew; Morning News stated how insider noticed evidence initially.Latent letter O. "Men in Soho" anagram of moonshine. Initials of second part spell mnshine.2  1  
3941 Solution of low name, evil energy!MOO+N+SIN+E (& lit.) [H]2 
3948 What might make a US state glow tonight?O is latent; MN + shine (and double meaning)2 
4325 Low hut left abandoned for a month(N) MOO(low) + SHIEL(hut) – L(left) defn. a month1  2  
4327 Low rough inn, the venue for quiet drink?E latent. SH (quiet) in MOO (low) + anag inn; Definition: drink1 
4331 Minister introducing fanciful beginnings with his older sister named Ophelia? Balls!anag initial letters in Min; LL E; Ed Balls joke Guardian article Nov 081 
4335 Oxen talk in Scottish to turn their plough to the left. That's nonsense!N. Oxen talk – moos; hie – to turn (e.g. plough-oxen) to the left. (Scot)1  1  
4349 Will's month shows behind in East.Latent letter – 'H'. Def("Moonshine"=Shakesp. "month")/moons/in+E1 
4833 Non-U old actor's eccentricity leads to unrealistic performanceM(OO)NSHINE: M(u)nshin e; ref. Jules Munshin; one of the C definitions is "show without reality"0  2  
4845 The flashing round neon lights even make the nights quite bright!(LATENT LETTER -'M') Anagram of 'O','NEON'& 'i,h & s'; 'make the nights quite bright' = MOONSHINE0