The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Arnold Peace

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Arnold Peace has 7 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints  
2010 Annual Competition360.5 
January 2010PALAVERConference pear's chopped then put in canConference = def. PA-LAV-ER. PEAR chopped (anag). Put in = insert. Can = LAV. Conference also type of pear.1029  8 
2009 Annual Competition155 
July 2009MENO (Printer’s Devilry)I scarper away over the topIs Carmen opera way over the top?434.5  2 
April 2009MOONSHINE (Letters Latent)Pants reveal bottom part of legE: Pants = def i.e. nonsense. reveal bottom = MOON + part of leg = shin345.5  3 
2008 Annual Competition232 
Christmas Special 2008CRACKER / VINTAGE (Right & Left)Vera's eating dodgy out of date banger – that's fine with Jack!V-INTAGE. Vera = V + anag(dodgy)EATING. Out of date = def (Chambers)/// CRACKER = Banger (firework/sausage) crackerJACK (i.e. with)= fine. Ref to the (oft warring) Duckworth's (Corrie)820.5  1 
November 2008WILD MARE'Daw' rime includes line about oneDAW + RIME +(includes) L(ine) Anag. (about) & Lit. Ref to See-saw Margery DAW i.e. def = see-saw. (Rime also = Rhyme)922  4 
October 2008DOOLALLY (Misprints)Lock outside toilet up while awayDef = Lock = LOCO.(To)while away(vb)= DALLY(outside) toilet=LOO(up); D-OOL-ALLY. NB: Down clue.630  4 
September 2008SWATSTests power units in lampsS-W-ATS. Tests = SATS + W(atts)= power units (in). Def = lamps i.e hits924.5  3