The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by warren fraser

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warren fraser has 5 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2016 Annual Competition261  
Christmas Special 2016TWELVEMONTH / A thematic word of your choice (Right & Left)Open-mouthed dace whipped about from Ne'erday through Hogmanay; swimming five miles to the new lake.widechapped=open-mouthed(Chambers)anag(about)of "dace+whipped";from Ne'erday through Hogmanay=twelvemonth(Scottish words for NewYearsDay&NewYear'sEve)anag(swimming)of v+m+tothenew+l10103  3 
July 2016BANJULELEJean Lambert's blue cuckoo plucked by George Formby.anag(cuckoo)of jean+l+blue +def (JL is London's Green MEP and it could have happened!)1014.50  4 
2015 Annual Competition281.5  
November 2015LOCK STOCK AND BARRELCompletely camouflage East Londoner in khakis.def+anag(camouflage)elondonerinkhakis7201  6 
October 2015MONTGOLFIERScratch golfer I'm not, but I am full of hot air!anag "golferimnot"+def (A scratch golfer has a handicap of zero or lower i.e., is an excellent golfer.)528.51  3 
2013 Annual Competition242  
May 2013MORGUEHere lies the cadaver – terribly gruesome, with heart missing.def + anag gru(es)ome4421  4