Azed Competition No. 1628 Azed Slip | ◀ 1624 | 1633 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1628 | Aug 2003 | ENCOMION | normal | 24 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | J. P. Guiver | Reckless CO’s mention in dispatches isn’t ground for high commendation | anag. less anag. |
Second | J. C. Leyland | Plonk importer’s first into inferior Macon, one lacking a bouquet | i in anag. less a |
Third | R. Phillips | In come larks leading elevated exaltation | anag. + on; elevated = tipsy, see exaltation |
VHC | J. R. Beresford | When one sadly departs, a moving —— could be seen as nomic | anag. less anag., & lit. |
VHC | C. J. Brougham | High commendation (without hint of misdeeds and a little overblown?) | anag. less m and tad (rev.), & lit. |
VHC | E. J. Burge | Order men in circle round CO for a speech of conmmendation | CO in anag. incl. O |
VHC | R. Dean | Complimentary remarks involved in come-on? | anag. |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | It’s encompassing foremost feature of individual on passing away | encom(passing) + i + on, & lit. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | One in slips written about compiler’s first three? | com in anag., & lit.; ref. AZ slip |
VHC | R. R. Greenfield | Payment of tribute can bear grievously on income | anag. |
VHC | J. Grimes | Show love for maiden in mnemonic moving tribute | anag. with 0 for m |
VHC | C. R. Gumbrell | See cracking person recalled by flatterer, in bidding farewell, with this? | C in one (rev.) + m(in)ion, & lit. |
VHC | P. Heffernan | Once broken down on motorway, no reversing will get praise | anag. + M1 + no (rev.) |
VHC | Dr A. J. Howie | Praising Monica L., one upset ex VP Gore | anag. less Al; ref. M. Lewinsky, Al G. |
VHC | D. F. Manley | Number one, second, …? See name? Ecstasy! ‘High commendation’ brings the reverse! | No. I mo C n E (all rev.); ref. AZ results |
VHC | P. McKenna | Icon with endless money being wasted, Lady Pecunia’s remembered here? | anag. less y; ref. satirical poem, ‘The Encomion of Lady Pecunia’ by R. Barnfield |
VHC | C. G. Millin | Frantic women headed with coin for the old loos | anag. less w; loos = commendation, see los |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | Marks once in middle of floor gone, a tribute to Ajax? | anag. incl. M, o; ref. Greek hero and cleaning fluid |
VHC | C. J. Morse | The leader apart, people with case for commendation will get it | (m)en + com(mendat)ion; ref. Prescott’s vain plea for recognition of Blair’s achievements |
VHC | W. Murphy | Nice broadcast at the occasion of pinning badge of distinction? | OM in anag. + on, & lit. |
VHC | T. D. Nicholl | No second century for comic buried amongst ‘none so funny’ praise | comi(c) in anag.; ref. Bob Hope |
VHC | D. H. Tompsett | In brief, it’s Oliver Mellors wreathing with Connie that’s Lawrence’s for nature | anag. incl. O. M.; ref. ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ |
VHC | J. R. Tozer | ‘Come on in leaps and bounds.’ This is praise indeed | anag. |
VHC | R. J. Whale | No income, poor and cracking up | anag.; crack up = praise |
HCs in competition 1628 awarded to: