The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by John McCabe

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John McCabe has 3 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2012 Annual Competition203.5  
April 2012LIVELONGComplete reconstruction of Gonville.Complete=definition;reconstruction of=anagrind;Gonville=anagrist10201 
March 2012A “GMT” word (Letters Latent)Ruling body in disarray? No, never. (10)GOVERNMENT;(gmt+nonever)*3351  3 
2011 Annual Competition213  
Christmas Special 2011PARTRIDGE in a PEAR TREE (2 defs. + letter mixture)Legs get weaker, causing new pains.Defs: legs=pins, get weaker=wane; letter mixture=NEW PAINS; bird=swan, tree=pine3370  1