The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Bob Kellett

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Bob Kellett has 5 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2020 Annual Competition223  
August 2020OXHEADNo 10 has lost the initiative – the leader is a buffoon (6)No 10 has lost the initiative = (n)O X : leader = HEAD3302  2 
2019 Annual Competition252.5  
June 2019FLUTTERWhat Spooner's butterfly does after shedding its cocoon (7)Spooner's butterfly = FLUTTER BY; get rid of (shed) its cocoon B(utterfl)Y; def &lit428.50  1 
February 2019RAINBOWAfter a tussle with a brown I caught another trout (7)I in ABROWN* – def: trout ("another" in respect of the rest of the surface). Brown Trout and Rainbow trout are the most common varieties of that fish. Fly fishermen saying "a brown" would mean "a brown trout".10170  2 
2018 Annual Competition330.5  
June 2018UNIONMarriage – anyone can see it might lead to tears if there's no love at the outset (5)U (anyone can see [re films]) ONION remove the first O def marriage NB: U for "you" is supported by the latest editions of most dictionaries (as a txtmsg abbr) so no longer needs any further indication.1015.54  1 
2016 Annual Competition300.5  
August 2016LAUGHTERAfter swallowing it tastes awful but it's the best medicine (8)LATER swallowing UGH – LA(UGH)TER; ref the maxim: laughter is the best medicine7291  5