The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by John Nicholson

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John Nicholson has 10 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2016 Annual Competition300.5  
March 2016IMARI (Printer’s Devilry)When a beggar came by pub, in I ran – I dropped half or a pintWhen a beggar came by pub in Iran, I dropped him a rial for a pint7200  4 
2015 Annual Competition193.5  
May 2015MARKET (SPONGE) (Wrong Number)Bum team starts to regret keeper’s sale(TEAM R K)*; bum3342  1 
February 2015RED-HOTExtreme cases of OCD expect rubbish put in order(OD ET RH)*618.50  1 
2013 Annual Competition301  
June 2013FLESH POTStripping club (Hearts) of Scottish Premier League title gutted fans(H+OF+SPL+TE)*9193  8 
March 2013EASTER (Misprints)See art nouveau as original(SEE ART)* = Master10181  6 
2012 Annual Competition411  
Christmas Special 2012XMAS Stocking Filler (2 defs. + wordplay)Staff upset over photos (3,4)PIX = photos, MAST = staff, PIT = TIP (upset)<333.52  5 
Olympic/Paralympic Challenge 2012DIALOGUE, MONSTER, SCHOOL (DLM)Proud goalie is talk of USA! “She's a colossus,” says mentor and coach, “no one can match Solo!”talk, proudgoalie, colossus, saysmentor, coach, matchSolo (Hope Solo winning second gold)188.50  7 
June 2012ORATES (Printer’s Devilry)Decide to match top and bottomDecORATE Side to match top and bottom3592  4 
2011 Annual Competition242.5  
August 2011SHAPE / TIGER (Right & Left)Leaders of Sweden, Holland and Poland elect to form one formidable anti-German constituentS+H+a+P+e, to form = shape, one formidable = tiger, anTI-GERman part426.51  1 
January 2011DUVET DAYUnplanned downtime?Down – the feather variety.1017.54  2