Azed Competition No. 1480 Azed Slip | ◀ 1476 | 1485 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1480 | Oct 2000 | SAMARITAN | normal | 26 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | V. Dixon | A Saint Martin, cutting coat with foil or such, possibly? | anag. less tin, & lit.; ref. St M. of Tours, usually portrayed cutting his coat with a sword to give part to a man in need |
Second | J. C. Leyland | What’s rattling? It’s Renault’s big end: AA man gave roadside assistance | anag. incl. R |
Third | G. Johnstone | Anguished man at end of tether is ringing one | a in anag. incl. r, & lit. |
VHC | M. Barley | If breakdown occurs, AA man’s first to reach it, providing roadside help | anag. incl. r |
VHC | J. R. Beresford | Saint badly needed around one hurt | a mar in anag., & lit. |
VHC | C. J. Brougham | Unorthodox saint binding one hurt? | a mar in anag., & lit. |
VHC | Rev Canon C. M. Broun | Adversary to the Jews bandaging hurt one | mar I in Satan, & lit.; see etym. of Satan in C. |
VHC | Dr J. Burscough | Go to (Aramaic?) man’s aid, when in distress? Good —— would do! | comp. anag. incl. Ar., & lit. |
VHC | C. J. & M. P. Butler | A train’s derailed by missile: Palestinian? | Sam + anag. |
VHC | D. A. Campbell | Martina’s a specially good one at vital points down the line | anag.; ref. M. Hingis |
VHC | C. A. Clarke | Lifesaver receiving a distress call: ‘Santa Maria foundering with one overboard’ | anag. less a |
VHC | N. Connaughton | Pop star mania? I listen to the blues, myself! | anag. |
VHC | E. Cross | As Martina faulted, might one give service ‘on the line’? | anag. |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | Possibly a man at the end of his tether finally rings one | I in anag. incl. s, r, & lit. |
VHC | J. Dromey | Suicidal? Ask my advice: ring institution’s telephone advice number initially | first letters & lit. |
VHC | W. Duffin | Always one for giving emotional support, old Harry embraces Marianne’s husband | mari in Satan |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | At end of blower I’m involved with mostly sad one | anag. of at r I’m sa(d) + an, & lit. |
VHC | H. Freeman | Suffering traumas, losing heart? One should ring one | I in anag. less u + an, & lit. |
VHC | C. R. Gumbrell | In a bad way, a man at end of his tether finally rings one | I in anag. incl. s, r, & lit. |
VHC | W. Jackson | I should be sympathetic, Missus, about husband’s knocking fifty! | marita(l) in San |
VHC | M. McMahon | ‘Santa Maria’ on the rocks without a hope in hell | anag. less a; a comfort in despair |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | Expressing a conclusion from Thatcher, this could be a saint with money | anag. incl. m, less a, r, & lit.; ref. Margaret T. quote from 1986 in ODQ |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | First of strangers to assist a man having been mugged | anag. incl. first letters, & lit. |
VHC | G. Perry | Undated pottery discovered in Minnesota: phone specialist for advice | sa + arita in Mn |
VHC | P. L. Stone | Bit of a saint? A man at end of tether desperately rings one | s + anag. incl. r, & lit. |
VHC | R. J. Whale | Mania with star wars whence Luke’s hero | anag.; ref. L. Skywalker and Luke ch. 10 |
HCs in competition 1480 awarded to: