Azed Competition No. 1052 Azed Slip | ◀ 1048 | 1056 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1052 | Jul 1992 | AGANIPPE | normal | 25 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | J. R. Beresford | Did I poetically inspire a lovelorn Pope? | gan I in a P(o)pe, & lit. |
Second | F. R. Palmer | First three essentials for Wimbledon champion – agility, extremes of pace, inspiration | Aga(ssi) + nip + p(ac)e; ref. Andre A. |
Third | D. F. Manley | Old verse composed with —— may be seen as Palgrave is opened | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | M. Barley | For this one’s forlornly appealing, if a bit of lyricism’s lacking | anag. less l, & lit. |
VHC | Mrs F. A. Blanchard | When in love a squeeze is something to spark off a sonnet | nip in Agape |
VHC | R. M. S. Cork | Fountain pen I redesigned with a gap that’s let the ink flow freely | anag., 2 defs. |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | For aping a poet, dash to this | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | V. Dixon | It could give a lift, and power, in Antiquity; one needs to open wide, drink in deeply | a nip + p in age, a + nip in gape, & lit. |
VHC | C. M. Edmunds | What lists ‘gap’ with ‘nap’, i.e. aid for the uninspired poet | anag. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | What’s replaced gap in English poet’s head | anag. incl. E, p, & lit. |
VHC | S. Gaskell | A smart head for pentameters fleshes out mature poetic inspiration | a nip p in age |
VHC | P. R. Giaccone | It did poetically start to inspire Pope, wanting beginning ode | a gan i P(o)pe, & lit. |
VHC | P. F. Henderson | Source of spirits invoked in Marvell-ing? | nip in agape, & lit.; ref. Andrew Marvell |
VHC | R. J. Hooper | A rare visitor to Henley, am I to catch a crab in boat race initially? | i.e. (b)ag a nippe(r); ref. W. E. Henley, minor poet |
VHC | I. Isaksen | An inspirational runner, a nag Pipe trained | anag.; ref. R. Pipe, race-horse trainer |
VHC | M. D. Jones | What’Il inspire Aegean pipes? Try it and see | comp. anag. & lit.; try = sift |
VHC | F. P. N. Lake | Whence poetic inspiration runs free, appearing in liquid form | anag. less r |
VHC | H. W. Massingham | A jigger and piano, in time – that got the old feet going | a nip p in age |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | Systems started from this spring must gain a PEP | anag.; must4 adj; system = group of Greek verses; ref. new savings product |
VHC | R. S. Morse | Take a drink from this and you could find page flowing | a nip in anag., & lit. |
VHC | T. W. Mortimer | No ——? It could lead to gap in an unfinished poem | comp. anag. less m, & lit. |
VHC | P. G. O’Gorman | Forest are on the way back, getting one in – Clough’s inspiration? | a in Epping a (rev.); ref. A. H. Clough, English poet and Brian C., Nottingham F. manager |
VHC | Ms M. Stokes | Frost inspires only a yawn; it’s the spring that kindles the imagination | nip in a gape |
VHC | D. H. Tompsett | Poetically did I – page by page – infuse G. W. Russell | gan I p, p in AE, & lit.; ref. poet known as ‘Æ’ |
VHC | D. Williamson | You could make this inspirer ape Pierian spring! | comp. anag. & lit. |
HCs in competition 1052 awarded to: