The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Vina

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Vina has 4 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2022 Annual Competition272.5  
July 2022MERCHANT50% off Mercedes handed to dealerMERC+HAN+T, def=dealer9282  3 
May 2022SONY (Printer's Devilry)The Royal Ballet dancers are not recognisable in their costumes and masks.The Royal Ball's on, yet dancers are not recognisable in their costumes and masks.4324  1 
2020 Annual Competition183.5  
September 2020SEVEN (Printer’s Devilry)Parenting: it's all academic at the end of the dayParents' evening: it's all academic at the end of the day7200  2 
June 2020THE YOUNG ONESAbsurdly, no-one yet hugs grandchildren for instanceAnagram of <no-one yet hugs>. Definition, grandchildren for instance. Reference to lockdown restrictions3471  3