The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Jane Fitzpatrick

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Jane Fitzpatrick has 9 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2024 Annual Competition120.5  
January 2024AMAZONVirago sent back section of Spinoza manuscripthidden in reverse9240  1 
2023 Annual Competition271.5  
August 2023WALESPart of dense lawn turned into just the place for daffodilsHidden word in turned 'denSE LAWn'9171  1 
June 2023WORLD WIDE WEBWidower bawled, sadly lacking a way to connect and shareanagram [indicator: sadly] of [widower bawled] – [a]915.52  1 
May 2023MACGUFFINSadly, Puff the magic dragon ultimately lacking the power or motivation for actionanagram of [PUFF THE MAGIC] + drago[N] minus [THE P]823.50 
2022 Annual Competition175.5  
Christmas Special 2022BULGE/HOMER (Right & Left)In opening of rhapsody, epic composer made bugle swellIn = HOME, opening of rhapsody = R, epic composer = direct def of HOMER made (anagrind) bugle = BULGE, swell = direct def of BULGE8235  3 
October 2022HOOVERVacuum behind the old bureauJ Edgar Hoover controlled the mid 20th century FBI1315 
2021 Annual Competition243.5  
October 2021YO-YOMany who try to take finals go through ups and downs'take finals' is the instruction relating to the previous words: verb yo-yo = fluctuate or 'go through ups and downs'337.53  4 
May 2021TOERAGLowlife features in great novel about lovenovel is the anagrind, anagram of 'great' and 'o'1029.54  1 
2019 Annual Competition360.5  
May 2019MERCURYChaos may recur without a divine messengerChaos = anagram indicator, 'may recur' without 'a' = fodder, divine messenger = definition10160  4