The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by James McGaughey

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James McGaughey has 5 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2023 Annual Competition145  
Christmas Special 2023SPARROW/TITANIC (Right & Left)What's inside iron box with shackles? Pirate ship captain spending a penny worried about itRO (what's inside iron) inside SPAR W (box with shackles) Definition 'pirate' (Jack Sparrow) Definition 'ship' (C[ap]TAIN)*worried containing it1016.50  2 
November 2023WASHINGTONPresident made TV appearance to admit terrible thingdef president, WAS ON (made TV appearance) containing (THING)*2312  1 
October 2023GRANGERFarmer George, the king with madnessdef farmer, George, the king for GR + madness for ANGER (mad in Chambers, furious with anger), ref George III, mad and called Farmer George723.53  1 
2018 Annual Competition330.5  
October 2018OPAL (Printer’s Devilry)Women shone happily for their husbandsWomen shop alone, happily for their husbands9242  2 
2017 Annual Competition350.5  
June 2017COLLOP / SURTAX (Right & Left)Rasher supermarket stocking lines from Paris on trial, all initially by way of increasing revenueCollop: 'rasher' CO-OP stocking LL Surtax: SUR (from Paris, on) TA (trial all, initially) X (by) 'way of increasing revenue'715.52