The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Ed Hall

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Ed Hall has 8 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2022 Annual Competition117  
June 2022WOODWARDEngland coach who’s to blame for loss of Ashes?Double def. Clive Woodward (World Cup winning rugby coach) and cryptic def (“who’s to blame for loss of Ashes?” (Ash trees)7262  3 
May 2022SONY (Printer's Devilry)Experiencing Nigella well might make ministers flusteredExperiencing Nigel Lawson yell might make ministers flustered (ref. previous chancellor of the exchequer and father of TV’s Nigella Lawson)3334  2 
March 2022SUMMERWorried mum’s right about pride ultimately; it comes before a fall (6)Anagram of MUMS + R outside (prid)E. It comes before a fall (def, fall=autumn)338.50  3 
January 2022UNDERGROUNDRude Northern German ordered drinks for all of us? Where’s mine? (11)Anagram of RUDE + N (northern) + G (German), ROUND = drinks for all of us? “Where’s mine?” = definition (ref coal mine etc)636.52  4 
2021 Annual Competition126.5  
November 2021SOUSAPHONEUse a spoon when consuming hot liquid – and blow on it! (10)Anagram of USE A SPOON + H (hot). Definition (blow on it!)155.52  6 
April 2021ODYSSEYYou could make OK tv with this epic from Dostoyevsky (7)OKTV + ODYSSEY can be anagrammed to make DOSTOYEVSKY5362  2 
January 2021DISTAFFWomen’s work: cooking, for starters, then dusting furniture – as if! (7)anag. of T(hen) D(usting) F(urniture) + AS IF10231  4 
2010 Annual Competition360.5  
January 2010PALAVERYak's possible exodus from Nepal averted (7)Hidden in NePAL AVERted, definition = yak7310  2