The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Wil Ransome

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Wil Ransome has 5 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints  
2010 Annual Competition174 
September 2010STEAR (Printer’s Devilry)The distance runner planned to start slowly and rely on finishing fastThe distance runner planned to start slowly and rest early on, finishing fast235  3 
2009 Annual Competition204 
November 2009Any FireworkRose window where each inlet is moulded (9-5)CATHERINE-WHEEL; (where each inlet)*; Chambers has, for 'catherine-wheel', 'a rose window (archit.)'; and, for 'inlet', 'a piece let in or inserted']826.5  6 
October 2009DUCKSHOVEMaybe Drake's very absorbed in Hoe's engagement to avoid responsibilities overseasDuck's Ho(v)e, ref Sir Francis Drake and (some say) playing bowls on Plymouth Hoe as the Spanish Armada approached. Chambers has '(Aust and NZ)'341  2 
September 2009BONESPlease no blundering around inside, doctorhidden rev. in pleaSE NO Blundering, def. doctor922.5  1 
2008 Annual Competition340.5 
November 2008WILD MAREShakespeare's short weird Dream – Bottom here in play for children?Wil(l) (Dream)*; the bottom is on a seesaw, which is a children's plaything725.5  1