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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
840 Jun 1988SONDE normal 24


Competition 840’s average clue lengths over 24 clues:

51 letters per clue (6 above the archive average, and 9 above the average for 5-letter words)

10.3 words per clue (0.7 above the archive average, and 1.6 above the average for 5-letter words)


Longest clue (the 86th longest normal clue in the archive)

Leaders in summit on nuclear disarmament evidently met man’s high hope for better understanding

81 letters, 14 words, by C. J. Feetenby


Shortest clue (the 1,274th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Doesn’t it sometimes cast storming?

29 letters, 5 words, by M. A. Macdonald-Cooper


Competition 840 has contributed 26 unique words to the clue archive:

T. W. MortimerAndes’d
C. J. MorseDedalus’s
C. J. Feetenbydisarmament
W. Woodruffdiscussions
D. G. BousfieldEdison
R. R. Greenfieldforeseen
C. J. MorseIcarus
R. J. Hooperinterpreter
D. G. Bousfieldinvented
A. C. WilsonIonosphere
F. R. PalmerMeteorologist’s
P. J. PetersNortherly
H. J. Bradburynosed
F. P. N. Lakereporter
C. J. Morsesaved
E. J. Burgeseaweed
R. J. HooperSkies
R. R. GreenfieldSnowed
R. J. HooperSong-writer
M. A. Macdonald-Cooperstorming
D. H. TompsettStratocruiser’s
R. R. Greenfieldunseasonably
F. E. Newlovewashed
R. R. Greenfieldwashing
F. E. NewloveWeather-prophet
C. J. Morseweighs