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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
844 Jul 1988THEOLOGASTER Misprints 25


Competition 844’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

50 letters per clue (5 above the archive average, and 6 above the average for Misprints competitions)

10.9 words per clue (1.3 above the archive average, and 1.7 above the average for Misprints competitions)


Longest clue (the longest Misprints clue in the archive)

Characters giving hotel rest a go will reform? One may have superficial understanding of players!

81 letters, 15 words, by D. F. Manley


Shortest clue (the 16th shortest Misprints clue in the archive)

No toper he, so large tot is out

24 letters, 8 words, by J. B. Sweeting


Competition 844 has contributed 17 unique words to the clue archive:

F. P. N. Lakecanoe
D. Price Jonesdabbler
G. B. Higginsegret
T. J. Mooreyfirmer
Mrs D. B. JenkinsonGrottoes
M. G. Wilsonhostage
B. W. Brooklor
R. L. Bakermaelstrom
F. P. N. Lakemastered
M. BarleyOwenites
M. Barleyregrouping
F. B. Stubbsrooter
G. B. Higginsshoal
D. Price JonesSod’s
F. B. Stubbstolerate
G. B. Higginsturbulence
J. C. Leylandwashes