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247 Dec 1976FLIVVER normal 24


Competition 247’s average clue lengths over 24 clues:

43 letters per clue (2 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for 7-letter words)

9.7 words per clue (0.1 above the archive average, and 0.5 above the average for 7-letter words)


Longest clue (the 1,160th longest normal clue in the archive)

What makes female enjoy life, having bottom pinched? Very short mini perhaps

63 letters, 12 words, by D. F. Manley


Shortest clue (the 203rd shortest normal clue in the archive)

Jerry Ford’s failure?

17 letters, 3 words, by G. B. Greer


Competition 247 has contributed 19 unique words to the clue archive:

P. J. WoodsAirborne
C. P. Reaairman’s
A. J. Redstoneaptly
C. J. MorseEliz
C. J. MorseFloruit
W. Jacksongestures
A. J. Redstoneillustrates
D. P. M. Michaellearner’s
D. P. M. MichaelLizzie
W. JacksonPatriotic
W. Jacksonpilot’s
Mrs E. Allenrevving
D. C. Williamsonrunabout
D. C. Williamsontwopenny
D. R. Robinsonunfair
P. J. Woodsvelocities
C. Allen Bakervibration
D. R. Robinsonvisibly
H. S. Masonvowels