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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1342 Feb 1998ALIENS / RAPINE Right and Left 22


Competition 1342’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

69 letters per clue (24 above the archive average, and 4 below the average for Right and Left competitions)

12.9 words per clue (3.3 above the archive average, and 1.8 below the average for Right and Left competitions)


Longest clues (the 95th longest Right and Left clues in the archive)

See vintage transport take a long while tackling slope close to Brighton – any here’ll have travelled far

86 letters, 17 words, by M. Barley


Plundering runs, a power batting side with ultimate in technique explosively nails English outsiders

86 letters, 14 words, by B. Burton


Shortest clue (the 59th shortest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Those not included in sale fiddles do in a rep appropriating loot!

54 letters, 12 words, by Dr E. J. Miller


Competition 1342 has contributed 28 unique words to the clue archive:

T. M. HoggartAnglo-Saxon
R. R. Greenfieldbrassica
T. J. Mooreydistressing
J. R. Tozerdrap
D. R. Robinsonempathise
B. Burtonexplosively
Dr I. S. Fletchergreener
M. Barleyhere’ll
G. I. L. Graftonillicitly
G. I. L. Graftonimaginable
E. A. Beaulahisle
R. Heskethisle’s
T. J. MooreyJamaicans
Mrs E. GreenawayKimberley
E. A. BeaulahKiwis
A. J. Wardropmarauding
B. Burtonnails
E. A. BeaulahNapier’s
G. I. L. Graftonnations
C. J. Morseotherworldly
R. Heskethperegrines
D. J. Dare-PlumptonSaline
J. R. TozerSassenachs
T. M. Hoggartseize
R. J. Palmersuppress
M. Barleytravelled
E. J. Burgeunlawfully
N. C. Dexteruntruth