Azed Competition No. 2438 Azed Slip | ◀ 2434 | 2443 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
2438 | Mar 2019 | MONTE DI PIETÀ | normal | 24 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | R. J. Palmer | Liberal loans with this could be arranged by old-time Neapolitans | comp. anag. incl. L, & lit. |
Second | P. L. Stone | Broke, last of liras spent, deposit an item here | anag. less s, & lit. |
Third | N. G. Shippobotham | Where to pop petite diamond when penniless? | anag. less d, & lit. |
VHC | M. Barker | Here one pledges to state time appointed for settlement when short of a penny | anag. less p, & lit. |
VHC | M. Barley | Pop into me and get paid, leaving item of gold behind? | anag. less g, & lit. |
VHC | Ms K. Bolton | Last of euros spent, deposit an item, sadly, here? | anag. less s, & lit. |
VHC | C. J. Brougham | When broke, dip item at one | anag. & lit. |
VHC | C. A. Clarke | ‘This is where government keeps pledges’ desperate May endlessly petitioned | anag. less y |
VHC | N. Connaughton | Dip item at one abroad | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | Ms L. Davis | Artfully I mend tip of imari teapot spout | anag. incl. i |
VHC | R. J. Heald | Papa and I engaged in card game to pass time, a better alternative to tiddlywinks | p I in monte die t a; see Papa |
VHC | G. Johnstone | Lacking money a Piedmont item is popped here | anag. less m, & lit. |
VHC | J. C. Leyland | Popping item on iPad saves time with latest in software here? | t, e in anag., & lit.; save = protect |
VHC | T. Locke | Dante poem, is it? Not special, if languishing here | anag. less s, & lit. |
VHC | B. Lovering | Regular instalments of debt paid on time, unusual for an Italian state bank! | anag. incl. e, t |
VHC | D. F. Manley | What would realign pawned item to minimum of interest? This would, originally | comp. anag. incl. i, w & lit. |
VHC | A. D. Scott | What’s dip at one time used? | anag. & lit. |
VHC | I. Simpson | Cash short and needing bob for diamonds fast? About time to get in here | t in mone(y) + diet with dip for d + a, & lit. |
VHC | P. A. Stephenson | Dip item at one abroad | anag. & lit. |
VHC | J. R. Tozer | Shylock’s adversary perhaps made petition artfully | anag.; ref. Portia in ‘MoV’ |
VHC | J. Vincent & Ms R. Porter | EU and May both endlessly tied into wrestling about conclusion of backstop – this is where things go up the spout! | p in anag. incl. E, Ma |
VHC | Mrs A. M. Walden | Where Italians pop dope intimates endlessly supply | anag. less s |
VHC | R. J. Whale | Pignorated items: possibly popped here with the last of your savings disappearing? | comp. anag. incl. r, s, g, & lit. |
VHC | A. Whittaker | Pawn in one, at time when in distress | dip in anag. & lit. |
HCs in competition 2438 awarded to: