Azed Competition No. 705 Azed Slip | ◀ 701 | 709 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
705 | Nov 1985 | MUSICOTHERAPY | normal | 24 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | N. C. Dexter | What psychiater could effect with a trio of Moussorgsky’s? | anag. incl. Mou, & lit. |
Second | H. J. Bradbury | Is chorea put mistakenly in my medical records? | anag. in my |
Third | F. B. Stubbs | Presenting my Orpheus act I supply a soothing influence | anag.; supply adv. |
VHC | M. Barley | Involve Beethoven’s 7th in this, and it might be ‘symphonicurative’! | comp. anag. incl. v, & lit. |
VHC | Mrs A. R. Bradford | Makes psycho mute with air capriccioso? | anag. & lit. |
VHC | E. J. Burge | Included in my treatment of upset – a choir? | anag. in my & lit. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | This may cure – op involved? | anag. & lit. |
VHC | S. Goldie | A medley of Arthur Sullivan’s overtures to cure my hip? | anag. incl. A S, & lit. |
VHC | R. J. Hooper | In which we’d see rhapsodic air mute psycho? | anag. & lit. |
VHC | G. Johnstone | What’s treating a psycho with ut-re-mi? | anag. & lit. |
VHC | F. P. N. Lake | May this with brief opus cure nuts? | anag. incl. op |
VHC | A. Lawrie | What can work at a ‘symphonic’ cure? This can | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | M. D. Laws | EPs charm you, undergoing treatment with it? | anag. & lit. |
VHC | J. H. C. Leach | Initially maddening, this caper you contrived – something ‘to soothe the savage breast’ is needed | anag. incl. m |
VHC | J. C. Leyland | Wherein doctor hums operatic overture to you | anag. + y, & lit. |
VHC | D. F. Manley | This cure Op. may work | anag. & lit. |
VHC | H. W. Massingham | I suspect harmony’s used in this, with extremes of neuroses | comp. anag. incl. n, s, & lit. |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | Ravel may cure extremes of psycho with this | anag. incl. p, o, & lit. |
VHC | D. Oakes | Playing ut re mi with a psycho | anag. & lit. |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | Pieces from Philharmonic Orchestra? – this may cure nuts | anag. incl. P O, & lit. |
VHC | M. E. Ventham | Much as poetry, I heal | anag. & lit. |
VHC | J. F. N. Wedge | Upset? Choir may give this treatment | anag. & lit. |
VHC | S. Woods | Nastily cite your mishap? Not I, treatment being noted | anag. less I; ref. AZ’s blunder |
VHC | A. J. Young | As to hypericum, transported it may bring a little composition to the beds | anag. |
HCs in competition 705 awarded to: