Azed Competition No. 349 Azed Slip | ◀ 345 | 352 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
349 | Dec 1978 | ODDCOMESHORT | normal | 29 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | D. C. Williamson | To shed more cost I’d settle for ties made with this | comp. anag. & lit. |
Second | F. R. Palmer | Cheap piece, not even getting engaged before getting into bed | odd + mesh or3 in cot |
Third | D. F. Manley | Description of one amounts to ‘end of cloth, fragment’ | odd comes h ort, & lit.; to = beside |
VHC | Mrs E. Allen | Ruin decor, moths do – there’s not much left | anag. |
VHC | Mrs K. Bissett | Bit of stuff arrives tightly clothed in what’s descriptive of three piece | odd ‘comesh’ ort; i.e. drunken pron. |
VHC | A. G. Bogie | Rum issue failing to go round leads to scrap (for clipper or cutter?) | odd come short |
VHC | E. J. Burge | What’s left over after party is returned – Medoc (somewhat drunk) and a little gin, perhaps? | do (rev.) + anag. + short |
VHC | Mrs M. J. Cansfield | A mixture of smooth and corded material useful for patchwork | anag. |
VHC | Mrs H. E. Clark | Not enough to make a skirt, not even to turn out mini | odd come short |
VHC | C. A. Clarke | Not paired off right after amorous murmur about engagement – I might be left on the shelf | odd + mesh in coo + rt. |
VHC | A. L. Dennis | Casual approach not reaching green – it’s a bit left | odd come short |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | Superfluous bit after having some edges of cloth cut up | odd + anag. incl. c, h + ort, & lit. |
VHC | R. A. England | A hangover, before neat rum issue! | odd come + short; hangover = leftover, see OED |
VHC | A. S. G. Fish | What’s left for consumer after extraordinary company clearance in net? Not much | odd Co. mesh ort |
VHC | R. P. C. Forman | Any tailor will make ordinary coats tho’ seldom with ——s | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | S. Goldie | Not much material left – not even to yield old mini? | odd come short |
VHC | W. Islip | Rum issue neat? A small amount for me | odd come short |
VHC | A. H. Jones | This won’t make a jacket, not even with reduced chest room | odd + anag. |
VHC | R. E. Kimmons | A little bit of navy drill with rum issue straight after? | odd come short |
VHC | A. D. Legge | Not much left – not even a third of the coffee – thermos defective | odd + co(ffee) + anag. |
VHC | J. D. Lockett | Peculiar approach shot circling right, ends up as a bit left | odd come + r in shot |
VHC | C. J. Morse | Rum issue curtailed – not much left | odd come short |
VHC | J. P. O’Neill | Unusual! ‘Tip before tea’ we hear – and what is served up is a left-over | odd + ‘cumshaw’ + T; ‘tea’ |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | Doc’s mode with management leads to winger finally getting in vehement scrap | anag. + r in hot; ref. T. Docherty, W. Morgan |
VHC | Dr W. I. D. Scott | Just a bit strange – realignment of E. M. S. three, causing a split in the ranks | odd + anag. in cohort; ref. European Monetary System; i.e. 3 letters |
VHC | Brig R. F. E. Stoney | End of bolt that’s slightly cracked is bound to fail | odd + come short |
VHC | D. H. Tompsett | A small rum – neat – holds courage! | come in odd short; courage interj., small n. |
VHC | G. R. Webb | Company become engaged in uneven scrap – there’s not a lot left | Co. mesh in odd ort |
VHC | J. F. N. Wedge | A little over excited so doctor had me less active | anag. less a |
HCs in competition 349 awarded to: