Azed Competition No. 2495 Azed Slip | ◀ 2490 | 2500 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
2495 | Apr 2020 | BUNG | normal | 23 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | J. C. Leyland | Bursting out of stir after screw’s given bribe? | bursting less anag. |
Second | R. J. Palmer | Brian Clough could have become rich with a ——, brown envelopes centrally involved | comp. anag. incl. o, l, & lit. |
Third | T. C. Borland | It might encompass money to procure decorations | bun(tin)g, & lit. |
VHC | M. Barley | Small house with a low shed one’s added on the side | bung(a low) |
VHC | A. G. Chamberlain | Tip about nags: the odds should be ignored | even letters |
VHC | M. Coates | Square peg in a round hole | 3 mngs.; square = bribe, peg = throw |
VHC | J. Doylend | Cork tip? | 2 mngs. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | Roger, perhaps, around middle of court striking a back-hander | u in b(a)ng; ref. R. Federer |
VHC | R. J. Heald | Tap sealing butt of Mâcon? | n in bug, & lit.; tap = listening device |
VHC | P. F. Henderson | Unknown amount I handed out in bribing? | bu(y I)ng, & lit. |
VHC | D. C. Jones | A low rent from a small property and Sheila’s bankrupt | bung(a low) |
VHC | P. W. Marlow | Cork flags with time at the crease spent | bun(t in)g; ref. Dominic C. |
VHC | A. Plumb | Sheila’s bust drooped, swapping height for breadth | hung with b for h |
VHC | W. Ransome | Victorian bust cast, but unfinished: no good | bu(t) + ng |
VHC | T. Rudd | Gubbins you could force into bottle’s top, is it? | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | Dr S. J. Shaw | Viral disease confines an indefinite number for present, with conditions attached | n in bug; ref. COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ |
VHC | I. Simpson | What’s essential for one to stop virus? Soap | n in bug |
VHC | R. C. Teuton | It stops Cooper’s output, that’s what’s annoying about magician’s end | n in bug; ref. the late Tommy C. |
VHC | J. R. Tozer | What’ll stop barrel roll ending in prang? | bun + g; ref. aerobatics |
VHC | J. Vincent & Ms R. Porter | Tips from Boris: use neutralizing germicide – one can grease palms with this | first letters |
VHC | A. J. Wardrop | Mite pocketing a bit of necessary – one of Bill S’s dips? | n in bug; ref. B. Sikes |
VHC | R. J. Whale | Small advances from ATM, good way to control flow of liquid assets? | i.e. B, U, N + g |
VHC | M. Whitmore | What can stop a triumphant display? Losing can! | bun(tin)g |
HCs in competition 2495 awarded to: