Azed Competition No. 1074 Azed Slip | ◀ 1069 | 1076 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1074 | Dec 1992 | DEMIREP | normal | 23 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | F. R. Palmer | With whom we see English MP’s involvement with dire results | anag. incl. E, & lit. |
Second | R. J. Hooper | In translation, I’m perdue, not accepted in good society? | anag. less U, & lit. |
Third | K. Thomas | A bloke’s all excited with one – like Pamella Bordes? | comp. anag. & lit.; ref. scandals involving P. B. |
VHC | E. J. Burge | Allowing for lift I’m acquiring runs in the outfield – I’m known as a hooker | I’m (rev. ) + r in deep |
VHC | B. Burton | I’m presumed ‘ruined’ – without substance? | anag. less sum, & lit. |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | Fergie, e.g., with secret spread over half the Mirror? | Mir(ror) in deep; ref. Duchess of York |
VHC | J. Dromey | From MP’s des. res. I suspectedly sold sex initially and was finally evicted | anag. less s, s, s, & lit. |
VHC | E. G. Fletcher | —— Sadie? When cast is deemed a rip | comp. anag. & lit.; ref. S. Maugham’s Sadie Thompson |
VHC | H. Freeman | Work per diem? My trade’s plied per noctem | anag. |
VHC | B. Greer | I may have sunk low, marginalized by community | mir in deep, & lit. |
VHC | C. R. Gumbrell | I’m presumed (without substance) wanton | anag. less sum, & lit. |
VHC | A. Hodgson | I may cause mud to stick in ministry | mire in DEP, & lit.; Dept. of Employment and Pensions |
VHC | K. W. Johnson | Baggage filled up, importing limit of wine | e in primed (rev.) |
VHC | R. E. Kimmons | Don is this in literature, a river quietly rounding a Russian village | mir in Dee p; ref. Don Juan and Sholokhov novel |
VHC | F. P. N. Lake | Plane’s wings have iced up – she may not go all way | p, e rimed (rev. ) |
VHC | R. K. Lumsdon | Rip – me, dear? – half of it isn’t true | anag. incl. de(ar), & lit. |
VHC | Mrs J. Mackie | Piece to be kept by ‘uncle’ failing redemption short of a little time in advance? | anag. less t on |
VHC | D. F. Manley | One displayed red lamp naughtily? Lapsed —— no lady! | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | C. J. Morse | Gross woman with no name to lose pounds per diem | anag. |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | Woman of ill repute – one’s engaged by certain parties for Congress | I in Dem, Rep |
VHC | D. Price Jones | MP I’d e’er corrupt | anag. & lit. |
VHC | A. J. Wardrop | Drab media comic lacking adult material | anag. less a + rep |
VHC | J. M. H. Wright | Society sinner? Redemption moves me not | comp. anag. |
HCs in competition 1074 awarded to: