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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
443 Oct 1980STEEPLECROWN normal 29


Competition 443’s average clue lengths over 29 clues:

49 letters per clue (4 above the archive average, and 2 above the average for 12-letter words)

10.9 words per clue (1.3 above the archive average, and 1.1 above the average for 12-letter words)


Longest clue (the 109th longest normal clue in the archive)

Capital investment for the not so bright acquired by false pretences combined with low cunning

80 letters, 15 words, by T. E. Sanders


Shortest clue (the 545th shortest normal clue in the archive)

See pert clown got up – in this?

23 letters, 7 words, by A. L. Freeman


Competition 443 has contributed 26 unique words to the clue archive:

M. D. Lawsacme
D. AshcroftBretonne
F. P. N. LakeCelts
J. G. Hullconical
V. G. Hendersoncornered
E. J. Burgecornet
D. Ashcroftcrepes
A. D. Scottdisgrace
W. F. MainDunce’s
A. D. Scotteducated
G. H. ClarkeE’s
J. G. Hullfouled
R. J. Palmerlazers
N. C. Goddardlees
R. E. Kimmonsloftily
W. K. M. Slimmingsnary
E. J. Burgeparticipant’s
N. C. Goddardperc
T. E. Sanderspretences
R. A. Mostynslept
R. Jackssoars
S. Caffynswelter
E. J. BurgeTruncated
R. J. Palmertwerp’s
F. P. N. LakeWhateffer
M. H. E. WatsonWitchcraft