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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
2421 Nov 2018SPASMODICAL normal 23


Competition 2421’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

40 letters per clue (5 below the archive average, and 6 below the average for 11-letter words)

8.3 words per clue (1.3 below the archive average, and 1.4 below the average for 11-letter words)


Longest clue (the 1,431st longest normal clue in the archive)

Such throes, intermittently present, could develop from isolated cramps

61 letters, 9 words, by Dr S. J. Shaw


Shortest clue (the 242nd shortest normal clue in the archive)

À la PM’s disco dancing?

18 letters, 5 words, by G. Borooah


Competition 2421 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

N. ConnaughtonAldi
I. SimpsonArlene’s
K. & J. WolffAsari
K. & J. Wolffclams
T. C. Borlandcoil’s
Dr S. J. Shawcramps
K. & J. Wolffgeyser
Dr I. S. Fletcherhiccups
B. Ingoldsbyill-organised
M. Hodgkinmedia’s
Dr I. S. FletcherSips
J. R. TozerSpamaholics
K. & J. Wolffspewed
N. Connaughtonsun-imbued