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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
2139 Jun 2013DE RIGUEUR normal 21


Competition 2139’s average clue lengths over 21 clues:

56 letters per clue (11 above the archive average, and 10 above the average for 9-letter words)

10.8 words per clue (1.2 above the archive average, and 1.2 above the average for 9-letter words)


Longest clue (the 397th longest normal clue in the archive)

It’s essential to be fashionable. Tailor required, upper-class, good quality not needed

71 letters, 12 words, by D. Appleton


Shortest clue (the 2,536th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Standard queried urge to renew failing QE

35 letters, 7 words, by T. C. Borland


Competition 2139 has contributed 20 unique words to the clue archive:

R. J. WhaleCK
I. D. McDonaldCoeur
D. K. Arnottcurries
R. J. Whaledecrees
J. R. Tozerdress’s
J. Faircloughdungarees
Dr S. J. ShawGallic
J. Faircloughgonna
J. G. Boothguipure
R. J. Healdgurus
Dr S. J. Shawguru’s
J. G. BoothKu’damm
A. J. WardropLeftie
M. Barkermeddled
T. C. BorlandQE
G. I. L. Graftonretrospect
J. Faircloughrig-out
R. J. Healdsquares
P. Taylorthongs
A. J. Wardropundemocratic