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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1984 Jun 2010ORWEL(L)IAN Doublethink 28


Competition 1984’s average clue lengths over 28 clues:

42 letters per clue (3 below the archive average)

9.1 words per clue (0.5 below the archive average)


Longest clue (the longest Doublethink clue in the archive)

Troubled New Labour’s missing bus, needing leader of inspiration in style of Blair

68 letters, 13 words, by J. G. Booth


Shortest clue (the shortest Doublethink clue in the archive)

Lie on war motive – like Blair?

23 letters, 6 words, by A. Plumb


Competition 1984 has contributed 6 unique words to the clue archive:

P. F. Hendersonbook’s
J. Mayhewcorrection
T. C. Borlandcrux
W. Ransomedown-and-out
J. Mayhewmindset
J. MayhewWinston