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1424 Sep 1999HEIST normal 22


Competition 1424’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

41 letters per clue (4 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for 5-letter words)

8.7 words per clue (0.9 below the archive average, and equal to the average for 5-letter words)


Longest clue (the 794th longest normal clue in the archive)

Briefly, it’s forbidden to the believer, one constrained by ancient commandment

66 letters, 11 words, by F. R. Palmer


Shortest clue (the 151st shortest normal clue in the archive)

Nick is in the rough

16 letters, 5 words, by N. J. Hitchins


Competition 1424 has contributed 13 unique words to the clue archive:

F. R. Palmerbeliever
C. J. Morsebelieves
J. R. Beresfordcalamine
K. McDermidClyde
J. R. Tozerdansant
R. J. HealdFetishist
F. R. Palmerforbidden
R. J. Healdgrasps
M. CutterIntensive
Dr E. YoungShearer’s
C. D. S. & E. A. Fieldthief’s
F. P. N. Lakethievery
Mrs J. Mackietreatable