Azed Competition No. 53 Azed Slip | ◀ 50 | 57 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
53 | Mar 1973 | ALEXANDERS | normal | 25 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | H. W. Massingham | A worthy original ingredient of salads? | Alexander + s, & lit.; Nine Worthies |
Second | P. M. Newey | Herb flirts with Alex instead of Phil | philanders with alex for phil |
Third | E. A. Beaulah | I used to follow the tarts of Paris! | 2 mngs.; ref. Alexander or Paris of Troy |
VHC | C. Allen Baker | This is a draw in green salad if topped, with dressing | X in anag. less g, & lit. |
VHC | E. J. Bushell | Served as celery for real-life Robinson C. | Alexander S.; ref. A. Selkirk |
VHC | C. O. Butcher | Whose jazz combo is best in song and improvisation for the sticks | 2 mngs.; ref. A. Ragtime Band; celery sticks |
VHC | E. Chalkley | Brief derivation in one dictionary answer is ‘Black herb vegetable’ | der. in a lex. ans. |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | Unusual name ex salad recipe could provide | anag. incl. E.(?), n., r, & lit. |
VHC | Mrs S. Hewitt | Picked for ex-salad dinner – excuse the noise when it’s chewed up | anag. less din |
VHC | Mrs N. Jarman | Once it came to the crunch, one was enough for Rommel | 2 mngs.; ref. Gen. Sir Harold A. |
VHC | J. R. Kirby | Nowadays it’s an unknown quantity – no beginner in green salad mixing includes it | x in anag. less g |
VHC | D. P. Laurie | I might have been in the soup as the law and the Crown closed in | lex and ER in as |
VHC | Mrs C. Leach | If you wanna change from Rex an’ Slade, this band had syncopated rhythm | anag.; ref. pop groups, A. Ragtime Band |
VHC | L. F. Leason | Relaxes after ordering sandwiches and the old veg | and in anag. |
VHC | Mrs B. Lewis | Some talk of my singular form – I’m blooming flat on top | 2 mngs.; ref. song The British Grenadiers: ‘Some talk of Alexander…’ |
VHC | C. J. Morse | Dig that arrangement for sax learned in Berlin band! | anag.; ref. Irving B.: A. Ragtime Band |
VHC | R. A. Mostyn | A country plant once eaten like celery | A + ex in land ers |
VHC | F. E. Newlove | Just an old veg to us, a royal feast for Thais | 2 mngs.; ref. Dryden, ‘A.’s Feast’ |
VHC | D. A. Nicholls | It’s Brew Ten, and the last word in beers: builds great men? That’s something to chew on perhaps | ale X and (be)ers, 2 defs. |
VHC | F. R. Palmer | Erstwhile extra vegetable served after last part of meal | (me)al + ex and ers; and n. |
VHC | Miss M. J. Patrick | Kex and lex are confusingly similar at first | anag. + s |
VHC | M. L. Perkins | I’m akin to hemlock, perhaps, a drink unsuitable for children and a bitter plant | ale X and ers |
VHC | T. C. Perks | Unknown quantity in green salad, once lopped and chopped | X in anag. less g |
VHC | W. K. M. Slimmings | Sandy, you may infer, is one of a carrot-topped family | Alexander (dimin.)+ ’s |
VHC | F. B. Stubbs | Stale salad relaxes and goes flabby | anag. |
HCs in competition 53 awarded to: