Azed Competition No. 314 Azed Slip | ◀ 310 | 319 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
314 | Apr 1978 | MERIL | Spoonerisms | 25 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | R. A. Mostyn | Maud Barker married Eric, Conservative turned Liberal | board marker; m + l for c in Eric |
Second | R. J. Palmer | Plan made on board for Morris, etc., marks beginnings of Michael Edwardes’ reign in Leyland | man played; first letters; ref. carmaker |
Third | D. C. Williamson | Awkward letters bind me up, and tricky limericks make me sick | betters lined; comp. anag. |
VHC | C. O. Butcher | Some charmer I like – one of the sort for a bed-game | set for a boardgame; hidden |
VHC | P. A. Cash | None of the wine men take in lime cocktail | one of the nine; r in anag. |
VHC | A. L. Dennis | Chip grooved on mound – club used with violence – end of golf-ball! | moved on ground; meri + l |
VHC | J. H. Dingwall | Miller, put out, missing first sign of leaven – one of three risks in dough? | disks in row; anag. less l |
VHC | A. G. Fleming | Planes used to sway with me on board – almost bound to get sick, almost | swains … play; mer(e) il(l); mere4 |
VHC | M. A. Forman | Maud Barker in village pub swirls round last drop of lager and lime | board marker; anag. incl. r |
VHC | J. J. Goulstone | Bloomer, ill-adjusted, reveals a chick’s hip | hick’s chip; hidden |
VHC | J. F. Grimshaw | Maying plan starts in March extending right into Lent | playing man; first letters |
VHC | D. V. Harry | King Edward in 1049, a man boozing lord deprives of function | losing board; ER in MIL; ref. Edward the Confessor, Earl Godwine |
VHC | E. M. Holroyd | None of the wine men would make a miler | one of the nine; anag. |
VHC | G. Johnstone | Barbaric Emir with tip of lash tames galley | game’s tally; anag. + l |
VHC | M. D. Laws | Songster interminably belting first part of it leads to ban on ‘Maud’ | man on board; i(t) in merl(e) |
VHC | J. H. C. Leach | ‘Take in diseased lime’: rural mayors may use plea | players … me; r in anag. |
VHC | A. C. Morrison | Done in miler gives a starker moan | marker stone; anag. |
VHC | C. J. Morse | ‘Geese that pose in triple rows’ – from naughty limerick (end censored) | piece that goes; anag. of limer(ick) |
VHC | D. S. Nagle | Poor miler might win point-to-point contest with use of light rein | right lane; anag. |
VHC | F. E. Newlove | It’s mumpin’ Doris, an idiot – go away! | dump in morris; (go)meril; dump4 = a counter |
VHC | F. R. Palmer | For countrymen, force of sun’s contribution to summer ills | source of fun; hidden |
VHC | Mrs M. P. Webber | Larker moved along mine, merrily ignoring railway | marker … line; merrily less ry |
VHC | J. F. N. Wedge | Ban on Maud in Morris 1000 – danger – no parking | man on board; M + (P)eril |
VHC | Dr R. L. Wynne | Style or tone suited to Arcadian contest in Homer (Iliad) | tile or stone; hidden |
VHC | Dr E. Young | May this plan in a competition stick – long! | play this man; meri l; ref. Azed comp |
HCs in competition 314 awarded to: