Azed Competition No. 31 Azed Slip | ◀ 27 | 36 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
31 | Oct 1972 | KITCHENDOM | normal | 27 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | D. F. Manley | It incorporates equipment around woman of the house | kit c hen dom, & lit. |
Second | A. D. Legge | In his sphere Kerr’s capital – a sensation – a demon for cooking! | K + itch + anag.; ref. Graham K., ‘the Galloping Gourmet’ |
Third | M. L. Perkins | Freud’s province? Knowledge about desire, Sir | itch in ken + Dom; ref. Clement Freud |
VHC | C. Allen Baker | Where equipment’s around a woman cook before noon | kit c. hen do m |
VHC | D. A. Blackledge | Thick men do badly here! | anag. & lit. |
VHC | Rev C. M. Broun | Monk (one who’d always got to do the cooking, it seems) itched for a change from this | anag., kitchen Dom, & lit. |
VHC | E. J. Bushell | King with desire to put a stop to honour attained by Lambert Simnel | K itch end OM; ref. pretender to throne of Henry VII, later employed as a scullion |
VHC | C. O. Butcher | Do men crumble under constant irritation where women rule the roast? | k itch + anag. |
VHC | R. S. Caffyn | Where Cooks are in charge, getting Chink to Med isn’t too difficult | anag.; Chink, offensive |
VHC | P. M. Coombs | Makes me think cod is the chef’s speciality | anag. |
VHC | S. Goldie | Greasy Joan’s province is female, with Tom and Dick kept out, discomfited | hen in anag. |
VHC | J. Goldman | Realm wherein wise women do poached eggs and thick men do scrambled | anag. |
VHC | B. Greer | Economically maintain’d, the nucleus of a home | kitchen (vb.) + ’d +(h)om(e), & lit. |
VHC | Mrs L. F. Hallen | Methink cod is well cooked here; Fanny and Johnnie’s place | anag.; ref. Craddocks |
VHC | L. F. Leason | Desire restricted in scope and dead upset Dr Freud’s department | itch in ken + d. + M.O. (rev.); ref. Clement F. |
VHC | H. R. Lockhart | Duck disembowelled and hot mince prepared here? | anag. incl. d(uc)k |
VHC | Lieut-Col D. Macfie | Where Cook ’as to work for Tom, Dick ’n’ H., ’e’s proper upset! | anag.; upset (n.) |
VHC | D. J. Mackay | With equipment chef’s no end a master after finishing herein | kit + che(f), + (herei)n + Dom; D. = master |
VHC | F. Moss | Bring vessels here to sink? Wreck them in dock! | anag. |
VHC | J. W. Parr | Where Mrs Beeton directs, season with Benedictine | kitchen Dom; kitchen (vb.) = season (O.E.D.) |
VHC | Miss M. J. Patrick | Cook’s world tour starts off, with him on deck outside, waving | anag. incl. t |
VHC | Mrs E. M. Phair | Where cook’s made sauce thicken, stirred same, added last of cream … | anag. + do. + m; do. = ditto |
VHC | Brig R. F. E. Stoney | Tick off girl domestic; it’s for her cooking | anag. + hen dom. |
VHC | D. J. Thorpe | A set of instructions about bird. Cook’s got married – and left this ? | kit c. hen do m. |
VHC | Rev C. D. Westbrook | Constant seat of King cook before meal begins | k Itchen do + m; Itchen = seat of Horace K., MP |
VHC | G. H. Willett | To produce Mrs Beeton’s special ground mince thicken with Benedictine | anag. + Dom; ref. cookery writer |
VHC | C. E. Williams | Cook’s responsibility worried him on deck rounding the Western point of Tasmania | T in anag. |
HCs in competition 31 awarded to: