Azed Competition No. 2279 Azed Slip | ◀ 2274 | 2283 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
2279 | Feb 2016 | CLEMENTINE | normal | 25 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | G. H. Willett | Eminent Liberal calling for reform in Church? That doesn’t describe many Popes | anag. incl. L in CE |
Second | M. Barley | One displaying zest in eminent clues, sadly no longer with us | anag. less us; ref. the late Sir Jeremy Morse |
Third | J. R. Tozer | Stick crossing line in game finally is Winnie’s chosen one | l in cement + in e; ref. C. Churchill, Pooh-sticks |
VHC | T. Anderson | For rose fertiliser e.g. slurry’s fine, but make it less strong round lawn’s border | l in cement + (f)ine; ref. song v. 6: ‘Grow the roses … fertilized by C.’ |
VHC | D. K. Arnott | Anagram of ‘in Crete’ lemon? Or this, possibly | comp. anag.; ref. AZ’s faulty anagram of NERITIC |
VHC | Dr J. Burscough | Orange order let in men embraced by Protestant church | anag. in CE |
VHC | C. A. Clarke | Attlee’s victory with electorate finally ousting W Churchill | Clement (w)in + e; ref. 1945 election, C. Churchill |
VHC | W. Drever | Dreadfully cold end for the miner’s lamented: dear Ms —— | comp. anag. incl. c, e, & lit. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | Need vitamin C else scurvy – advise this, perhaps | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | R. Gilbert | Don’t mince eel. Do cut and then mix in a little orange | anag. less do |
VHC | A. H. Harker | With a herring box under each sole, eel consignment might disturb her song | comp. anag.; ref. song, v. 2: ‘Herring boxes … Sandals were for C.’ |
VHC | R. J. Heald | Fruit machine: slot in pennies regularly for recreation | anag. of alternate letters |
VHC | A. Knott | Papal cross? | 2 mngs. |
VHC | E. C. Lance | Powdered mineral (containing an element of lime) in earth makes a noted fertiliser for roses | l in cement + in e; ref. song v. 6: ‘Grow the roses … fertilized by C.’ |
VHC | B. Lovering | Melancholy-tinged miner – ‘Oh my darling, sadly missed girl’ | anag. less anag. |
VHC | D. F. Manley | Election seeing off old men launched the name of Winston-loving lady | anag. less o; ref. Churchill’s wife/M. Thatcher |
VHC | P. W. Marlow | Freud, say, is associated with popular portraiture ultimately of an infallible authority? | Clement + in + e; ref. Lucian F. |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | ‘Dear ——’ could start letters of eminent Conservative leader | comp. anag. incl. C, & lit; ref. C. Churchill; start = cause displacement of |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | Orange men entice Loyalists initially with abuse of pope | anag. incl. L; 2 defs. |
VHC | W. Ransome | My darling girl, males can get into odd places in college | men tin in c, l, e, e |
VHC | T. Rudd | Striking wife, and popular – Winnie lent me a bit of Churchillian bluster | anag. incl. C less w in, & lit.; ref. C. Churchill |
VHC | Mrs A. M. Walden | Papal cross? | 2 mngs. |
VHC | A. J. Wardrop | Cleric, not half eminent, somehow like certain Popes? | anag. less ric |
VHC | R. J. Whale | Clumsy feet (nines) should make her fussy when suffering splinters | comp. anag. & lit.; ref. song v. 2: ‘her shoes were number nine’ |
VHC | D. Whisstock | Papal cross? | 2 mngs. |
HCs in competition 2279 awarded to: