WordStats for J. A. Tyrrell
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J. A. Tyrrell2 0020


J. A. Tyrrell’s average clue lengths over 2 clues:

33 letters per clue (12 below the archive average of 45)

8.0 words per clue (1.6 below the archive average of 9.6)


Longest clue

Diseased rip won’t de-bug in this – any more

33 letters, 8 words, in competition 187 POWDERING-TUB


Shortest clue

Our CCL’th chance – thanks to the d—— setter!

32 letters, 8 words, in competition 250 Stands the church clock at ten to three? (Anagram)


J. A. Tyrrell has contributed 1 unique word to the clue archive:
