The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Brian Douglas

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Brian Douglas has 7 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2014 Annual Competition332  
September 2014TASER (Printer’s Devilry)There is no vice on Sundays since the vicar died.noT A SER vice4382  5 
2012 Annual Competition380.5  
June 2012ORATES (Printer’s Devilry)To me, one is to hold them in esteem.T(O RATE S)o me one is to hold them in esteem.8302  2 
2009 Annual Competition390.5  
May 2009POWERHOUSEIs this the Watts' residence, -the one with the drive?Watt: unit of power; (defn: an energetic person.)1022.50  2 
2008 Annual Competition414.5  
Christmas Special 2008CRACKER / VINTAGE (Right & Left)Against eating crumbled, out of date biscuit, –or nuts, if more than one.(versus)V+INTAGE(eating: anag.)/ CRACKER (= biscuit: crackerS(plural)= nuts, crazy)7240  1 
October 2008DOOLALLY (Misprints)With a dental problem returning can filling wait?Defn: 'with a (d)mental problem' OOL (loo rev.) in DALLY (returning 'can' filling 'wait')1670  7 
September 2008SWATSHits the buzzer with a starter for ten in two seconds!W,A,T(en) in S,S. defn: 'hits the buzzer' (fly).1101.50  5 
February 2008TETRASite traffic reveals what can be got from net with a search on AmazonsiTE TRAffic; Amazon: river and website242.50  7