The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Phil Stephenson

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Phil Stephenson has 12 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2024 Annual Competition25  
January 2024AMAZONA jungle that's cut down regularly?A, maz(e), (d)o(w)n & lit.146.50  2 
2023 Annual Competition711.5  
Christmas Special 2023SPARROW/TITANIC (Right & Left)Ginger cat in it creates huge bird box disturbance[cat in it]* ginger vb; spar + row1016.52  1 
November 2023WASHINGTONTense inside showing an agitated state?t in [showing an]*7171  1 
October 2023GRANGERFarm manager in big Range Roverbi(g Range R)over144.51  1 
August 2023WALESPrimarily, where are literary eisteddfods staged?First letters &lit.620.53  1 
May 2023MACGUFFINHumbug in cinema possibly, with importance ultimately ignored?guff in [cin(e)ma]* &lit.; Humbug = pretence.5280 
February 2023DIMPLESUnsettled spell mostly following cloudy depressionsspel(l)* after dim2422  1 
2022 Annual Competition89  
October 2022HOOVERHe once eradicated organized vice rings, their leaders getting bustedAnag. of first letters & lit.; ref. J. Edgar H, FBI.919.53 
July 2022MERCHANTPerhaps Antonio is this richest man in play?Comp. anag. [is merchant] = [richest man]* ref. M. of Venice2392  1 
May 2022SONY (Printer's Devilry)Rambling in thistles you may catch Barbour jacketRambling in thistles you may catch barbs on your jacket827.50 
February 2022DOLCE VITAIt's lived at banks of Como lavishlylived at C[om]o anagram & lit.2431  3 
2021 Annual Competition253  
June 2021NELSON / PRINCE (Right & Left)Epic struggles with Royal Navy, historic leader who made Napoleon's sides lose at sea?PRINCE/NELSON. anag. inc. RN/anag. inc. N,n & lit.339.53  5