The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Richard Saunders

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Richard Saunders has 4 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2021 Annual Competition311.5  
October 2021YO-YODouble helping of starters for you? That sort of diet will reboundYO(U) YO(U) That sort of diet = yo-yo diet631.50  3 
September 2021CICERONESort of religious instruction once found in church guideRI ONCE * in CE. Definition: guide4302  1 
February 2021WETLANDSLet out worthless London borough houses and flatsLet* in Wands(worth). "houses" containment indicator, "and" link word, "flat" (often in plural) an area of land covered by shallow water (Chambers)242.53  3 
January 2021DISTAFFAid to spinning fast if beginning to dance waltzesDefinition: Aid to spinning (stick that holds the bunch of flax etc.) Anagram of "fast if d". Anagram indicator "waltz(es)", to whirl (Inf.) Chambers152.53  2