The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Adrian Harris

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Adrian Harris has 3 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2013 Annual Competition370.5  
May 2013MORGUELate arrivals accommodated in dorm or guesthouseLate arrivals accommodated = definition; in dorM OR GUEsthouse7324  6 
2012 Annual Competition321  
Christmas Special 2012XMAS Stocking Filler (2 defs. + wordplay)Best weight achieved when exercise involved (4,4)APEX = best, MASS = weight; APES subsid. indication: 'exercise' (PE) included ('involved') in 'when' (AS).7191  3 
October 2012POSTICHEAdded locks after I caught the manPOST (after) I C(aught) HE (the man)7270  3