The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by John Tabraham

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John Tabraham has 8 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2012 Annual Competition380.5  
June 2012ORATES (Printer’s Devilry)Barbara winds a lad with punchBarbara Windsor ate salad with punch922.50  4 
2011 Annual Competition194  
August 2011SHAPE / TIGER (Right & Left)At first, Steve helped Apple regularly design it around 50% larger for a strong competitorS,H + A(p)P(l)E; defn: design, (it<) + (lar)GER; defn: a strong competitor8171  2 
April 2011Anagram of 38 letters (Anagram)Big story in Wonderland – will Alice make a date?9231  1 
March 2011SPRINGTIMEMad misprint, e.g. May?anag. of "misprint,eg"326.50  3 
2010 Annual Competition360.5  
October 2010CAPTURETake medicine to stifle fitAPT in CURE1018.50  3 
2009 Annual Competition204  
October 2009DUCKSHOVECheat beginning to sledge hard after scoring 0 runs from 6 ballsDefn: Cheat; S + H after DUCK(scoring 0), OVE(r)7230  2 
August 2009CABOOSEWhere one might cook ace crumble, stuffed with raspberries?"raspberries"=BOOS in anagram of ACE; &lit.821.50  3 
February 2009MCJOBLow paid work primarily making chips, juice or burgersInitial letters; &lit3370  1