◀  No. 100 Clue list 24 Apr 1949 Slip image No. 102  ▶



1.  J. C. W. Springbett (SE21): Digs provided or provides digs at Chelsea (2 mngs.).

2.  Mrs F. Castle-Knight (SE20): Stands on the rail, and rails on the stand (bar (= rail) + racks (e.g. toast-racks)).

3.  E. S. Ainley (S. Harrow): How the public receives rabbits! (bar racks and lit.; rack8).


Mrs N. Fisher (Stroud): Cheers ironically as the army digs, railing at fatigues (bar racks, 2 defs.).

Miss J. Fraser (EC4): Counter-cheers: means of demonstrating the lengths members may go to after a division (bar (= division of music) + racks (= torture instruments); members = limbs).

Mrs J. O. Fuller (Southsea): A houseful of regulars chafes and strains at the pub counter (bar + racks, 2 defs.).

A. B. Gardner (N13): Forbid instruments of torture in place of confinement for trivial offences! (bar racks).

H. C. Hills (W. Drayton): Admission of strain in the pubs—Tommy’s home! (bar racks).

Mrs L. Jarman (Brough): Stop here, and take a shilling for joining up (bar + r ack s and lit.; ref. King’s shilling; ack, signallers’ code).

L. F. Johnson (Stafford): Places for the military music—only a little on those instruments that stretch (bar (of music) + racks).

G. A. Kinnear (Dundee): Quarters for tanks within sound of a dog fight (RAC (Royal Armoured Corps) in barks).

R. C. Payn (Irvine): The soldier’s home! Extreme anxiety in public houses! (bar racks).

R. Postill (Jersey): Roasts rabbits—except young ones! (bar racks; rack8).

A. Robins (Manchester): Save the young rabbits, lodging protests against those who bump them off! (bar racks; rack8).

T. E. Sanders (Walsall): Places services with head of racket in those parts of court where professionals advocate (rack(et) in bars; barrack vb.).

Mrs E. M. Simmonds (Cookham Dean): Where ardent spirits are brought to book—and confined (b + arracks, bar racks, & lit.).

W. K. M. Slimmings (New Maiden): Hoots, a wee place in the Hebrides, wi’ fivescore head o’ kye an’ sheep, wad dae me fine! (Barra + C + k, s).

R. G. Tate (Gateshead): Bets about little arrival (each way): shows lack of taste! (arr or arr (rev.) in backs).

P. H. Taylor (Newbold-on-Stour): Possibly the judgment-place of one who hangs, draws and quarters! (bar + racks (= draws, stretches)).

D. L. Tuckett (N4): Division in the House distresses and worries the Speaker (Bar + racks; ref. the Bar of the House).

J. B. Widdowson (SE6): Rails about the mutton and complains about the game (rack (= neck of mutton) in bars).

L. C. Wright (Selby): Bowled short! An ardent spirit (shilling end) cheers ironically (b + arrack + s).


COMMENTS.—252 correct. There was no outstanding cause of errors, but there were a fair number, more than usual arising, apparently, from slips in filling in the diagram, e.g., ipeopraxist, Baimbers, susspot (sic)—and, lest aspersions should be cast, none of these were in the solutions of those who attended the Dinner! “Moral—once more—check your solutions.” It was a difficult puzzle, with more unfamiliar words than usual. Several solvers don’t know “Tatcho,” once much advertised as a hair-restorer. Perhaps it is now completely out of date: I confess I haven’t seen the name lately. However, the subsidiary clue did its work—or else the guessing was good—for “Tatcho” only caused one spoilt solution.
The word provided plenty of variety in treatment and many good clues.
I should like once again to thank everyone concerned—on my wife’s behalf, too—for an utterly delightful evening on the 25th, and also for the many kind notes which I have received since. And may I express again to those who weren’t there my regret that it was impossible for me to meet them, too—a very real regret if they are as nice as those I did meet, and I’m sure they are!
Runners-up.—D. Ambler, E. J. Bell, Rev L. Blackburn, Rev B. Chapman, F. L. Constable, F. S. Danks, G. E. Denyer, Cdr H. H. L. Dickson, J. H. Dingwall, J. M. Doulton, J. F. Dow, C. E. Gates, J. H. Grummitt, S. W. Harding, R. N. H. Hughman, G. Innes, G. G. Lawrance, R. C. Macfarlane, B. J. McCann, F. E. Newlove, A. C. Norfolk, A. E. North, A. P. O’Leary, Rev E. B. Peel, H. E. I. Phillips, H. C. Pilley, E. R. Prentice, H. Rainger, A. R. Read, A. J. C. Saunders, J. C. Saunders, E. O. Seymour, Mrs E. Shackleton, O. Carlton Smith, A. H. Taylor, Miss D. W. Taylor, J. Walton, E. Ward, W. Watts, B. W. Webster.

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