Azed Beasts Competitions

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About this clue type

From the preamble to Azed No. 666

To mark the number of the puzzle {see Revelation xiii, 18), Azed this week offers a beastly competition. Each of the 23 asterisked clues leads to an answer which contains in consecutive letters the name of or word for an animal. On entry in the diagram the animals are to be omitted. In an asterisked clue the definition refers to the full answer, whose length is shown by the number in brackets; subsidiary indications refer to the answer entered in the diagram (rarely a real word). The clue also contains a consecutive jumble or reversal of the letters of the omitted animal. Remaining clues are normal.

Competitors should submit with their solutions a clue to any word of their choice, following the style of the asterisked clues and incorporating any animal that does not appear in the puzzle. Please show the full word with your clue.

 DateClue wordCluesWinner
666Feb 1985Any word; subsidiary indication omits an animal26C. J. Morse